Pet Care in Long Sault

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Layna L.
  • From $10
  • Long Sault
Hobby Farm Enthusiast, Delighted Daily by Dogs
| I am an avid animal lover and a dog owner myself to a 9 year old Sheltie/collie mix. I would like to make some extra income as I work a seasonal job and will be off in the winter months. I would love to spend my time with your awesome animals! I hope to one day own a therapeutic animal hobby farm and am open to caring for many kinds of animals. I can take directions and learn quickly, the habits and demeanour of each individual animal! I have worked with horses minimally and would love to get more experience, I have taken care of pigs and chickens minimally and once again would love more experience, and have babysat many dogs of friends and family since I was a child. I have taken care of all sizes of dogs and also love cats! My dog presents anxious and timid and I value feeling confident in who I ask to care for him, and I hope to be that person for you and your animals!
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  • From $10
  • Long Sault
Hobby Farm Enthusiast, Delighted Daily by Dogs
| I am an avid animal lover and a dog owner myself to a 9 year old Sheltie/collie mix. I would like to make some extra income as I work a seasonal job and will be off in the winter months. I would love to spend my time with your awesome animals! I hope to one day own a therapeutic animal hobby farm and am open to caring for many kinds of animals. I can take directions and learn quickly, the habits and demeanour of each individual animal! I have worked with horses minimally and would love to get more experience, I have taken care of pigs and chickens minimally and once again would love more experience, and have babysat many dogs of friends and family since I was a child. I have taken care of all sizes of dogs and also love cats! My dog presents anxious and timid and I value feeling confident in who I ask to care for him, and I hope to be that person for you and your animals!
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Long Sault

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