Pet Care in Martintown

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  • From $10
  • New Holland Pa
known for being responsible, transparent, honest I guarantee happiness to your beloved
| Hi, I'm starting my own business, is just me... For now. I've been around dogs, cats all of my life... I love animals and will do anything to protect them and to advocate for them. I own 2 dogs myself, both girls are two yrs old, both spayed and in great shape and health. I'm very dedicated, responsible, Honest, and most important, the love and respect I have for animals. My promise to you is to give 110% of my loyalty, my time and effort, and my attention to your loved ones. I'm very caring for animals and the love I have for them.
... more
  • From $10
  • New Holland Pa
known for being responsible, transparent, honest I guarantee happiness to your beloved
| Hi, I'm starting my own business, is just me... For now. I've been around dogs, cats all of my life... I love animals and will do anything to protect them and to advocate for them. I own 2 dogs myself, both girls are two yrs old, both spayed and in great shape and health. I'm very dedicated, responsible, Honest, and most important, the love and respect I have for animals. My promise to you is to give 110% of my loyalty, my time and effort, and my attention to your loved ones. I'm very caring for animals and the love I have for them.
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Martintown

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