Pet Care in Moose Creek

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Celeste H.
  • From $10
  • Moose Creek
Caring Animal Sitter
| Hello! I had once worked in a dog kennel and that included feeding them, cleaning them, giving medicine, exercising them, etc. I’ve also owned my own animals since I was 12 years old (reptiles cats/dogs)
... more
  • From $10
  • Moose Creek
Caring Animal Sitter
| Hello! I had once worked in a dog kennel and that included feeding them, cleaning them, giving medicine, exercising them, etc. I’ve also owned my own animals since I was 12 years old (reptiles cats/dogs)
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From $10 \
Sara M.
1 Verification
  • From $20
  • Moose Creek
1 Verification
Trustworthy Pet Sitter with a Love for Animals!
| Hello! My name is Sara and I’m a passionate animal lover with over 12 years of experience caring for pets. I have two cats, Luna and Oscar, and one energetic and loving dog as well, Lucy. I've also been around animals since I was five years old. As a teenager/ young adult, I housesat and cared for the animals of my neighbors and friends regularly. Whether it’s playful walks with dogs, snuggles with cats, or special feedings, I tailor my services to meet each pet's unique needs. Your furry family members will receive the attention and care they deserve, just as I give to my own pets. My services include: - dog walking - play and/ or cuddles (if desired!) - water and food (however you would like!) - litter scooping - spend 15-30 minutes at your home. Feel free to ask me for help with other things too! I can water plants, feed fish, check mail, etc. Communication is key. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know! I look forward to meeting your fur babies and making sure they feel safe, cared for, and entertained while you’re away.
... more
  • From $20
  • Moose Creek
Trustworthy Pet Sitter with a Love for Animals!
| Hello! My name is Sara and I’m a passionate animal lover with over 12 years of experience caring for pets. I have two cats, Luna and Oscar, and one energetic and loving dog as well, Lucy. I've also been around animals since I was five years old. As a teenager/ young adult, I housesat and cared for the animals of my neighbors and friends regularly. Whether it’s playful walks with dogs, snuggles with cats, or special feedings, I tailor my services to meet each pet's unique needs. Your furry family members will receive the attention and care they deserve, just as I give to my own pets. My services include: - dog walking - play and/ or cuddles (if desired!) - water and food (however you would like!) - litter scooping - spend 15-30 minutes at your home. Feel free to ask me for help with other things too! I can water plants, feed fish, check mail, etc. Communication is key. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know! I look forward to meeting your fur babies and making sure they feel safe, cared for, and entertained while you’re away.
... more
From $20 \
Sara M.
  • From $15
  • Moose Creek
Animal Lover Looking to Provide Care for Cats and Dogs!
| I have two beautiful fur babies at home, a large dog and a cat. I have had cats for over 20 years and love them very much. I've only been a dog mom for about a year but I have been a dog walker in my community in the past and I love dogs. I am a huge animal lover and I'm very thankful for my dog and cat. I'd be very happy to care for your dog and/or cat!
... more
  • From $15
  • Moose Creek
Animal Lover Looking to Provide Care for Cats and Dogs!
| I have two beautiful fur babies at home, a large dog and a cat. I have had cats for over 20 years and love them very much. I've only been a dog mom for about a year but I have been a dog walker in my community in the past and I love dogs. I am a huge animal lover and I'm very thankful for my dog and cat. I'd be very happy to care for your dog and/or cat!
... more
From $15 \
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Pet Care in Moose Creek

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