Pet Care in Winchester

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Tania S.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Winchester
1 Verification
Lots of TLC . Work with 2 canines at my present job
| Ho I am a 45 yr old woman. I myself work right now in private home care over nights and I care for 2 dogs. I have been at my job for 5 yrs. I have administered medications, took to the vet as well as walking , cleaning messes of the floor, even bath them. I myself have 4 cats and had them for many years. I love animals and treat them as my own.
... more
  • From $10
  • Winchester
Lots of TLC . Work with 2 canines at my present job
| Ho I am a 45 yr old woman. I myself work right now in private home care over nights and I care for 2 dogs. I have been at my job for 5 yrs. I have administered medications, took to the vet as well as walking , cleaning messes of the floor, even bath them. I myself have 4 cats and had them for many years. I love animals and treat them as my own.
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From $10 \
Jessica B.
  • From $10
  • Winchester
Looking to brighten up my school days by providing love filled care for your 4 legged family member.
| I'm currently a full time student in Esthetics looking to earn income while completing my studies :) I love all animals and staying active with daily walks, hiking or biking. I currently have a 4 month old Border Collie/Sheppard mix.
... more
  • From $10
  • Winchester
Looking to brighten up my school days by providing love filled care for your 4 legged family member.
| I'm currently a full time student in Esthetics looking to earn income while completing my studies :) I love all animals and staying active with daily walks, hiking or biking. I currently have a 4 month old Border Collie/Sheppard mix.
... more
From $10 \
Kirstyn N.
  • From $18
  • Winchester
Animal Enthusiast with years of experience.
| Animal lover since I was a baby, constantly surrounded by pets! Love for all animals, no matter their size, breed, or age. Enjoy their company and spending time with them; getting to know their personalities, recognize individualism, love running and playing with them!
... more
  • From $18
  • Winchester
Animal Enthusiast with years of experience.
| Animal lover since I was a baby, constantly surrounded by pets! Love for all animals, no matter their size, breed, or age. Enjoy their company and spending time with them; getting to know their personalities, recognize individualism, love running and playing with them!
... more
From $18 \
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Pet Care in Winchester

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