Pet Care in Morrisburg

Choose from 19 pet caregivers in your area.
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Rose L.
  • From $10
  • Morrisburg
Pet Care Helping Hand
| I grew up on a farm, and have always been surrounded by animals. I’ve taken care of Dogs, Cats, Chickens, Turkeys, Rabbits, Birds, Horses, and fish.
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  • From $10
  • Morrisburg
Pet Care Helping Hand
| I grew up on a farm, and have always been surrounded by animals. I’ve taken care of Dogs, Cats, Chickens, Turkeys, Rabbits, Birds, Horses, and fish.
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From $10 \
Logan P.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Morrisburg
1 Verification
Reliable individual with strong work ethic & positive attitude.
| I have a variety of experiences working with animals including in a veterinary setting, farming and more. I have experience working with canines and feline through my co-op and volunteer experience at a veterinary clinic. I also have experience through College with training dogs for an obedience class at the introductory level. I also do have my own personal experience raising and training dogs. I have also worked with the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides with their puppies. I was responsible for their care including feeding, medication, and more. I have farm experience though working with a therapeutic riding centre and a turkey farm. These opportunities have allowed me to work with horses and turkeys. These position improved my ability to work in a team and good communication skills. I also have experience working with exotic animals through being an owner (guinea pigs) and being an Animal Caretaker in the Bird of Prey department. This taught me different procedures for food preparation, time management and improved my solving problem skills.
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  • From $10
  • Morrisburg
Reliable individual with strong work ethic & positive attitude.
| I have a variety of experiences working with animals including in a veterinary setting, farming and more. I have experience working with canines and feline through my co-op and volunteer experience at a veterinary clinic. I also have experience through College with training dogs for an obedience class at the introductory level. I also do have my own personal experience raising and training dogs. I have also worked with the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides with their puppies. I was responsible for their care including feeding, medication, and more. I have farm experience though working with a therapeutic riding centre and a turkey farm. These opportunities have allowed me to work with horses and turkeys. These position improved my ability to work in a team and good communication skills. I also have experience working with exotic animals through being an owner (guinea pigs) and being an Animal Caretaker in the Bird of Prey department. This taught me different procedures for food preparation, time management and improved my solving problem skills.
... more
From $10 \
Keelia D.
  • From $10
  • Morrisburg
Fun and loving pet caregiver .
| Hello, My name is Keelia I am 21 years of age. I have had pets since I was a little girl, I have over 11 years experience with both dogs and cats if you consider being a pet owner someone with experience. I have experience walking ,bathing and feeding dogs and cats .My main goal when taking care of animals is making sure they are happy ,loved and well taken care of.
... more
  • From $10
  • Morrisburg
Fun and loving pet caregiver .
| Hello, My name is Keelia I am 21 years of age. I have had pets since I was a little girl, I have over 11 years experience with both dogs and cats if you consider being a pet owner someone with experience. I have experience walking ,bathing and feeding dogs and cats .My main goal when taking care of animals is making sure they are happy ,loved and well taken care of.
... more
From $10 \
Marilyn M.
  • From $20
  • Morrisburg
Doggie Compassion
| Love dogs and cats. Treat them as if they are my children. I have a beagle now of my own. He was a rescue. Love him very much.
... more
  • From $20
  • Morrisburg
Doggie Compassion
| Love dogs and cats. Treat them as if they are my children. I have a beagle now of my own. He was a rescue. Love him very much.
... more
From $20 \
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Pet Care in Morrisburg

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