Pet Care in Lancaster

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Jade T.
  • From $10
  • Lancaster
I’ll treat your fur baby like they are my own!
| I’m a pet lover just like you! I’ve had a passion for animals since I was young and have always been drawn to them! Animals can be our best friends and be there for us when no one else is, they truly are a family member! I promise to treat your fur babies as they are my own! I understand how important it is to you that your animal be treated well. I also understand how scary it can be to have someone take care of your babies. However you want your animal to be cared for, I’ll make sure to follow it to a T! I own two cats. One of my cats, Nora, is deaf. Nora is a senior cat and came into my care a year ago when I adopted her from a home where the animals were not treating her well. The original owner had passed away. My second cat is Mama, a recent mother to litter of kittens. I adopted her about 4 months ago and she is as laid back as can be! I love both my girls and they are the best thing that has happened to me! I have also owned a few dogs in my life time and have experience with them as well (small and big). Looking forward to taking care of your fur babies!
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  • From $10
  • Lancaster
I’ll treat your fur baby like they are my own!
| I’m a pet lover just like you! I’ve had a passion for animals since I was young and have always been drawn to them! Animals can be our best friends and be there for us when no one else is, they truly are a family member! I promise to treat your fur babies as they are my own! I understand how important it is to you that your animal be treated well. I also understand how scary it can be to have someone take care of your babies. However you want your animal to be cared for, I’ll make sure to follow it to a T! I own two cats. One of my cats, Nora, is deaf. Nora is a senior cat and came into my care a year ago when I adopted her from a home where the animals were not treating her well. The original owner had passed away. My second cat is Mama, a recent mother to litter of kittens. I adopted her about 4 months ago and she is as laid back as can be! I love both my girls and they are the best thing that has happened to me! I have also owned a few dogs in my life time and have experience with them as well (small and big). Looking forward to taking care of your fur babies!
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Lancaster

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