Senior Care in Long Sault

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Layna L.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Long Sault
Child and Youth Care Practitioner- I work with the young at heart too!
| 8 years old or 80 years young, I love to work with individuals and support them in their life’s journey. I am currently a seasonal environmental programmer and am looking for some employment in the winter months. I will be relatively isolated throughout the winter as I will be off work. As a Youth Worker at a Community Health Centre, I worked regularly supporting seniors in accessing the vast services and resources available at our Centre. I have not worked in a professional setting as a PSW but I have worked with many senior relatives in meal preparation, light housework, mobility exercises, and companionship. I love to visit and ask questions, hear stories, learn something new. There are so many histories and perspectives to learn and I hope to be an ear and a support to the wellness of seniors needing care.
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Long Sault
Child and Youth Care Practitioner- I work with the young at heart too!
| 8 years old or 80 years young, I love to work with individuals and support them in their life’s journey. I am currently a seasonal environmental programmer and am looking for some employment in the winter months. I will be relatively isolated throughout the winter as I will be off work. As a Youth Worker at a Community Health Centre, I worked regularly supporting seniors in accessing the vast services and resources available at our Centre. I have not worked in a professional setting as a PSW but I have worked with many senior relatives in meal preparation, light housework, mobility exercises, and companionship. I love to visit and ask questions, hear stories, learn something new. There are so many histories and perspectives to learn and I hope to be an ear and a support to the wellness of seniors needing care.
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From $18 per hour \
Melissa K.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Long Sault
I am about to start my ninth year in home care. I respect the client and their home.
| I treat people like I want to be treated. The goal is to help people stay in their homes with their rules for as long as possible. I help people with personal care, groceries, housekeeping, games, etc.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Long Sault
I am about to start my ninth year in home care. I respect the client and their home.
| I treat people like I want to be treated. The goal is to help people stay in their homes with their rules for as long as possible. I help people with personal care, groceries, housekeeping, games, etc.
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Senior Care in Long Sault

When do you need senior care?