Child Care in Washago

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Stephanie M.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Washago
1 Verification
Mother of 1, providing babysitting services as needed
| My name is Stephanie, and I would love to help any way I can! I am a mother of 1 toddler and a stay at home mom currently. I have been a babysitter and a nanny in the past for both young children (3 months+) and teenagers. As a stay at home mom I have the flexibility to work around your schedule, I can provide babysitting services in my home. My daughter and I go on many adventures, we love park dates, beach days and going to the playground and I would be happy to take your children with us! I do have my own transportation so I can provide pick ups and drop offs. I believe in hands on parenting and lots of creative play time, we do practice some Montessori methods of learning as well.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Washago
Mother of 1, providing babysitting services as needed
| My name is Stephanie, and I would love to help any way I can! I am a mother of 1 toddler and a stay at home mom currently. I have been a babysitter and a nanny in the past for both young children (3 months+) and teenagers. As a stay at home mom I have the flexibility to work around your schedule, I can provide babysitting services in my home. My daughter and I go on many adventures, we love park dates, beach days and going to the playground and I would be happy to take your children with us! I do have my own transportation so I can provide pick ups and drop offs. I believe in hands on parenting and lots of creative play time, we do practice some Montessori methods of learning as well.
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From $25 per hour \
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Child Care in Washago

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