Child Care in Port McNicoll

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Robyn M.
  • From $9 /hr
  • Port McNicoll
Experienced and creative child care provider
| Attended Georgian College for the Child and Youth Worker Diploma. I am motived and creative with crafts and games. Have worked with children for many years as well as raising my own. I can pick up children from school and provide after school activities. I can watch children in my home throughout the day for families needing care. Hourly/Daily/Weekly Rate flexible for needs for the children and family Have secondary coverage in event unavailable for the care time. Coverage is a Developmental Service Worker and Early Childhood Educator with many years experience and has worker with the school board and private companies.
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  • From $9 /hr
  • Port McNicoll
Experienced and creative child care provider
| Attended Georgian College for the Child and Youth Worker Diploma. I am motived and creative with crafts and games. Have worked with children for many years as well as raising my own. I can pick up children from school and provide after school activities. I can watch children in my home throughout the day for families needing care. Hourly/Daily/Weekly Rate flexible for needs for the children and family Have secondary coverage in event unavailable for the care time. Coverage is a Developmental Service Worker and Early Childhood Educator with many years experience and has worker with the school board and private companies.
... more
From $9 per hour \
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Child Care in Port McNicoll

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