Child Care in Coldwater

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Cassandra K.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $23 /hr
  • Coldwater
1 Verification Hired once
Hello, my name is Cassandra K. and I am 20 years of age.
| I’ve made honours role within my first year of the RECE program. I have been invested in working with children want too continue gaining experience and using my skills too help strengthen children’s developmental growth. As a child giver I work responsible and respectfully. I aim too grow children’s development domains for them to be successful in years too come. I create fun learning activities such as inspirational arts and craft activities that also involve learning multicultural countries/races and different ways too make learning fun. Offering years’ experience of success dealing with children. Committed to providing outstanding service. Positive role model, focused on leadership, personnel support, and relationship building. To attain experience enabling an opportunity to enhance children’s productivity as well as incorporate enthusiasm and skills to satisfy your child’s area of development. I have had several encounters with working with children. One of them being at Public school. During my duties of working with children I have experienced what it takes to work with several children at once and the motivation it gives you. Currently a ECA and working for two officers watching their three year old son.
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  • From $23 /hr
  • Coldwater
Hello, my name is Cassandra K. and I am 20 years of age.
| I’ve made honours role within my first year of the RECE program. I have been invested in working with children want too continue gaining experience and using my skills too help strengthen children’s developmental growth. As a child giver I work responsible and respectfully. I aim too grow children’s development domains for them to be successful in years too come. I create fun learning activities such as inspirational arts and craft activities that also involve learning multicultural countries/races and different ways too make learning fun. Offering years’ experience of success dealing with children. Committed to providing outstanding service. Positive role model, focused on leadership, personnel support, and relationship building. To attain experience enabling an opportunity to enhance children’s productivity as well as incorporate enthusiasm and skills to satisfy your child’s area of development. I have had several encounters with working with children. One of them being at Public school. During my duties of working with children I have experienced what it takes to work with several children at once and the motivation it gives you. Currently a ECA and working for two officers watching their three year old son.
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From $23 per hour \
Taylor R.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Coldwater
Fun and Caring Nanny
| Hey everyone !!!.im Taylor. Im 22 and a recent Early childhood education graduate from Georgian college. I love working with all children and watching them learn and grow every day! I have been a nanny for two years and worked in childcare for two years.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Coldwater
Fun and Caring Nanny
| Hey everyone !!!.im Taylor. Im 22 and a recent Early childhood education graduate from Georgian college. I love working with all children and watching them learn and grow every day! I have been a nanny for two years and worked in childcare for two years.
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From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Coldwater

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