Special Needs Care in Washago

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Courtney B.
1 Verification
  • From $13 /hr
  • Washago
1 Verification
I am currently a supply Educational Assistant with a School Board. I am a Child and Youth Worker graduate with my advanced diploma and graduated with honours. I completed a year of placement in a public school working with children with different needs. I have been employed as an Inclusion Counsellor in the summers, this involves working one-on-one with children of all ages with special needs in a camp setting. I have worked with the following diagnoses: Autism, ADHD, ADD, ODD, Asperger's Syndrome, Down syndrome, Anger Management Difficulties, FASD, Anxiety Disorder, PDD NOS, and many more. I find my strengths include being able to adapt any activity to suit the exceptionality in which I am working with. I believe all children have the potential to be successful with support! When working with children I enjoy planning a daily schedule that suits their needs, ensuring fun & safety throughout the day, and organizing crafts and activities based on ability!
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  • From $13 /hr
  • Washago
I am currently a supply Educational Assistant with a School Board. I am a Child and Youth Worker graduate with my advanced diploma and graduated with honours. I completed a year of placement in a public school working with children with different needs. I have been employed as an Inclusion Counsellor in the summers, this involves working one-on-one with children of all ages with special needs in a camp setting. I have worked with the following diagnoses: Autism, ADHD, ADD, ODD, Asperger's Syndrome, Down syndrome, Anger Management Difficulties, FASD, Anxiety Disorder, PDD NOS, and many more. I find my strengths include being able to adapt any activity to suit the exceptionality in which I am working with. I believe all children have the potential to be successful with support! When working with children I enjoy planning a daily schedule that suits their needs, ensuring fun & safety throughout the day, and organizing crafts and activities based on ability!
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From $13 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Washago

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