Pet Care in Washago

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Sebastian P.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Washago
1 Verification
Passionate dog dad
| I’ve cared for dogs and cats most of my life, as an adult I have 4 dogs (13yo Border collie, 8yo Greyhound, 2yo Germain Shepard and 8mo Great Dane Puppy). I’ve worked with all of them as half of them are rescues, to help socialize and just learn to be a family dog. We take them out most days (weather permitting) to run or walk around the area. I’m very confidant in my ability to interact and care for pets.
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  • From $10
  • Washago
Passionate dog dad
| I’ve cared for dogs and cats most of my life, as an adult I have 4 dogs (13yo Border collie, 8yo Greyhound, 2yo Germain Shepard and 8mo Great Dane Puppy). I’ve worked with all of them as half of them are rescues, to help socialize and just learn to be a family dog. We take them out most days (weather permitting) to run or walk around the area. I’m very confidant in my ability to interact and care for pets.
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From $10 \
Stephanie M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Washago
1 Verification
Loving, Knowledgeable Pet Owner & Pet Advocate, registered veterinary technician
| As a pet owner for the majority of my life I have gained the experience and knowledge that has helped me learn to read the behaviours and body language of cats, dogs and rabbits. I am a registered veterinary technician, if your pet needs extra care such as medication or insulin needles I can administer them as needed.
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  • From $10
  • Washago
Loving, Knowledgeable Pet Owner & Pet Advocate, registered veterinary technician
| As a pet owner for the majority of my life I have gained the experience and knowledge that has helped me learn to read the behaviours and body language of cats, dogs and rabbits. I am a registered veterinary technician, if your pet needs extra care such as medication or insulin needles I can administer them as needed.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Washago

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