Pet Care in Brechin

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Wendy R.
1 Verification
  • From $20
  • Brechin
1 Verification
I'm cool with drool
| I've been a dog owner ever since I can remember, either adopting them from shelters or homes that could no longer care for them. The cats have also appeared from various locations, whether it be from a shelter, the street, or a neighbor knocking on my door. We have 6 now. I tell them that's my limit lol. Several friends, neighbors and family members have entrusted me to care for their pets while they have been away, which of course included feeding, checking litter boxes, going for walks, or just spending some time together which provided some much needed reassurance. Anyone who walks into my livingroom immediately notices what's hanging on my walls. No not the usual pictures of parents or kids, but three different 18 x 22 acrylic paintings of beloved pets past and present. And who else do you know that would take a brand new box spring out from underneath their king size mattress so their elderly newfie dog Samson could get up and down more easily. Well why not? Lol After being a PSW for several years at a long-term care facility, I am now happily retired and have decided to switch my focus to the four-legged variety, so I am available 7 days a week to come by your home for drop-in visits and/or dog-walking services.
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  • From $20
  • Brechin
I'm cool with drool
| I've been a dog owner ever since I can remember, either adopting them from shelters or homes that could no longer care for them. The cats have also appeared from various locations, whether it be from a shelter, the street, or a neighbor knocking on my door. We have 6 now. I tell them that's my limit lol. Several friends, neighbors and family members have entrusted me to care for their pets while they have been away, which of course included feeding, checking litter boxes, going for walks, or just spending some time together which provided some much needed reassurance. Anyone who walks into my livingroom immediately notices what's hanging on my walls. No not the usual pictures of parents or kids, but three different 18 x 22 acrylic paintings of beloved pets past and present. And who else do you know that would take a brand new box spring out from underneath their king size mattress so their elderly newfie dog Samson could get up and down more easily. Well why not? Lol After being a PSW for several years at a long-term care facility, I am now happily retired and have decided to switch my focus to the four-legged variety, so I am available 7 days a week to come by your home for drop-in visits and/or dog-walking services.
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From $20 \
Sarah M.
  • From $10
  • Brechin
Compassionate care for you and your fur fam is only a text away
| Tail wags, puppy smiles and well loved fur babies are a few of my favourite things. My background is in healthcare - over 20 years serving seniors, a vulnerable population to live full lives. Now I dedicate my Recreation Therapy skills to Engagement and play for your fur baby. Daily walks, meals, check ins, overnights.
... more
  • From $10
  • Brechin
Compassionate care for you and your fur fam is only a text away
| Tail wags, puppy smiles and well loved fur babies are a few of my favourite things. My background is in healthcare - over 20 years serving seniors, a vulnerable population to live full lives. Now I dedicate my Recreation Therapy skills to Engagement and play for your fur baby. Daily walks, meals, check ins, overnights.
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From $10 \
Samantha B.
  • From $10
  • Brechin
Just some kids looking to earn some extra cash
| We have 4 dogs that are very happy and healthy. We have 3 cats that are well taken care of. Looking for a job to earn some extra cash. Very organized kids and love to meet new people. We are very hard workers and will help with anything you need.
... more
  • From $10
  • Brechin
Just some kids looking to earn some extra cash
| We have 4 dogs that are very happy and healthy. We have 3 cats that are well taken care of. Looking for a job to earn some extra cash. Very organized kids and love to meet new people. We are very hard workers and will help with anything you need.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Brechin

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