Babysitters in Washago

Select from 284 babysitters near you.

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Nicole J.
1 Verification
  • From $14 /hr
  • Washago
1 Verification
Easy going , patience, flexible
| Im 25 years old , I’ve been babysitting and doing household duties since I was 10 years old ... I have a daughter of my own she is 4 years old and will be starting school in September , I also am a dog momma I’ve had my dog for 5 years now. I’m an organized , patience, detail oriented, I love being around kids and teaching them new things, crafts and arts , story time playing indoors and outdoors with them I do meals (preparing , clean-up, grocery shopping) Any type of personal care , dressing , diapers , bath time , potty training Cats and Dogs are no problem- can feed , water take dogs outside of walks or cats clean the litter box For the most part I’m very flexible with my hours I’m available any day of the week and most weekends I prefer 9-5 hours but like said above can be flexible as to what is needed .
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Washago
Easy going , patience, flexible
| Im 25 years old , I’ve been babysitting and doing household duties since I was 10 years old ... I have a daughter of my own she is 4 years old and will be starting school in September , I also am a dog momma I’ve had my dog for 5 years now. I’m an organized , patience, detail oriented, I love being around kids and teaching them new things, crafts and arts , story time playing indoors and outdoors with them I do meals (preparing , clean-up, grocery shopping) Any type of personal care , dressing , diapers , bath time , potty training Cats and Dogs are no problem- can feed , water take dogs outside of walks or cats clean the litter box For the most part I’m very flexible with my hours I’m available any day of the week and most weekends I prefer 9-5 hours but like said above can be flexible as to what is needed .
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From $14 per hour \
Courtney B.
1 Verification
  • From $12 /hr
  • Washago
1 Verification
I have worked with children from ages 0-14, often children with special needs. I have lots of experience with feeding and dressing children, responding to emotional and physical safety needs, and have always loved being around children. Some of my favourite things to do while babysitting include being outside, planning activities, and doing crafts!
... more
  • From $12 /hr
  • Washago
I have worked with children from ages 0-14, often children with special needs. I have lots of experience with feeding and dressing children, responding to emotional and physical safety needs, and have always loved being around children. Some of my favourite things to do while babysitting include being outside, planning activities, and doing crafts!
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From $12 per hour \
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Babysitters in Washago

When do you need child care?