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MDV Online: Citadel Counteroffensive


by Masters of the Dungeon Verse

*This series is invite-only. If you are interested in attending, and have not been invited, please contact!* Join us in an adventure to save a continent in an entirely original fantasy world. Players will take on the role of hero characters in a world filled with opportunities to help and dangers to encounter, all through the safety of a fictional setting. Players will learn to collaborate with others, develop leadership and communication skills, and have experience solving complicated problems. The story they participate in reacts to the decisions they make each week, and will have rewards and consequences based on previous actions. So, join in the adventure, and see if you can Master the Dungeon Verse! You may enroll for as many sessions as you'd like all at once, or week by week. You do not need to attend every session to be a part of the program. Registration will close the day before a session. We will need a minimum of 3 players enrolled in the session for it to run. If we don't have enough players enrolled, you will be informed the morning of and receive a full refund/credit as you choose. If you have any questions, please reach out to Disclaimer: The game will feature sequences of fantasy combat, such as fighting a dragon or goblins. There will be no gore (defeated enemies poof into dust) and player actions regarding violence will be moderated by the Game Runner. Immoral actions, like hurting innocents or threatening other players, are not allowed. Note: The age range for this series is approximate. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis depending on a player's age, maturity level, and scheduling availability.


Ages 11-17 years


sibling discount

MDV Online: Verloren


by Masters of the Dungeon Verse

*This series is invite-only. If you are interested in attending, and have not been invited, please contact!* Join us in an adventure to save a continent in an entirely original fantasy world. Players will take on the role of hero characters in a world filled with opportunities to help and dangers to encounter, all through the safety of a fictional setting. Players will learn to collaborate with others, develop leadership and communication skills, and have experience solving complicated problems. The story they participate in reacts to the decisions they make each week, and will have rewards and consequences based on previous actions. So, join in the adventure, and see if you can Master the Dungeon Verse! You may enroll for as many sessions as you'd like all at once, or week by week. You do not need to attend every session to be a part of the program. Registration will close the day before a session. We will need a minimum of 3 players enrolled in the session for it to run. If we don't have enough players enrolled, you will be informed the morning of and receive a full refund/credit as you choose. If you have any questions, please reach out to Disclaimer: The game will feature sequences of fantasy combat, such as fighting a dragon or goblins. There will be no gore (defeated enemies poof into dust) and player actions regarding violence will be moderated by the Game Runner. Immoral actions, like hurting innocents or threatening other players, are not allowed. Note: The age range for this series is approximate. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis depending on a player's age, maturity level, and scheduling availability.


Ages 14-17 years


Drawing/Painting Wednesdays 1:30 Virtual - April


by Kimberly V. Art

In Drawing/Painting Class we will create a variety of fine art projects focusing on technique and style, composition, brushwork, and systematic practice. KVArteest will give input on our subject matter, as we together decide what we want to learn.


Ages 7-19 years


Kids Online Fast Math Camp


by Young Gates

1. Learn tables from 1 to 99 within seconds 2. Mental Addition 3. Mental Subtraction techniques 4. Mental Multiplication multidimensional Advantages of learning: These are tricks and shortcuts are for competitive, regular exams and everyday calculations Increase Calculation Speed and Accuracy Improves Confidence and Concentration Builds interest in Math


Ages 10-15 years


Kids Online Python Camp


by Young Gates

In this course, students will learn python tools, variables, data types, string manipulation, operators,, and more. First, the concepts are explained, followed by coding examples. Students will get a chance to execute the code as well. They will be challenged with additional exercises to deepen their knowledge. Students need a laptop and internet connection. NO ipads and tablets. The break-up of the syllabus in the course will be: Class 1: Python tools, setup, and various options available. Rules of programming in general. Data Types - integer , decimal , String and Boolean will be discussed Class 2: String manipulation and operations Class 3: Data Structure - List and if functions Class 4: Build couple of programs in python. If the student enjoys the first month then they can advance to more topics as well.


Ages 11-14 years


Kids Online Python Camp


by Young Gates

In this course, students will learn python tools, variables, data types, string manipulation, operators,, and more. First, the concepts are explained, followed by coding examples. Students will get a chance to execute the code as well. They will be challenged with additional exercises to deepen their knowledge. Students need a laptop and internet connection. NO ipads and tablets. The break-up of the syllabus in the course will be: Class 1: Python tools, setup, and various options available. Rules of programming in general. Data Types - integer , decimal , String and Boolean will be discussed Class 2: String manipulation and operations Class 3: Data Structure - List and if functions Class 4: Build couple of programs in python. If the student enjoys the first month then they can advance to more topics as well.


Ages 11-14 years


Kids Online Python with Artificial Intelligence Camp


by Young Gates

Welcome to Python with AI intro program . In this program you will learn basics of python and Day One: History of python Intro to A1 with python Teachable Machine Python basics Day Two: Python programming on variables, operators Control Flow Syntax debugging Day Three: Drawing fun shapes with python Python Functions Using Functions with control flow Dialogflow chatbot using control flow Day Four: Loops in Python List in python Solving Real-Life using python Day Five: Deploy your First A1 Model Image Basics Image Manipulation using python Final Project Showcase Parents Teacher Meet / Demo Day


Ages 12-16 years


Coding For Little Curious Minds


by Young Gates

Coding is a part of the computer science curriculum that is currently lacking in schools. I believe that all kids can code and it allows them to become creators and inventors, which is what we need our children to do as they get older. Students will learn the very basics of what coding is. 1. Compare coding and giving a character a command. 2. Watch a video that explains how coding relates to us, coding, algorithms and debugging. 3. Work together to get the character, home by providing a code. 4. Work on to begin coding tasks together as a group. Coding is a great way to build social and emotional skills that include, perseverance, resilience and problem solving as well as creativity and innovation. Students will learn vocabulary words, algorithm, program and debugging. They will begin to understand how to give a specific set of directions, and when they directions don't work, they will be able to find the mistake and fix it. They will also learn why coding is important.


Ages 4-7 years


Coding For Little Curious Minds


by Young Gates

Coding is a part of the computer science curriculum that is currently lacking in schools. I believe that all kids can code and it allows them to become creators and inventors, which is what we need our children to do as they get older. Students will learn the very basics of what coding is. 1. Compare coding and giving a character a command. 2. Watch a video that explains how coding relates to us, coding, algorithms and debugging. 3. Work together to get the character, home by providing a code. 4. Work on to begin coding tasks together as a group. Coding is a great way to build social and emotional skills that include, perseverance, resilience and problem solving as well as creativity and innovation. Students will learn vocabulary words, algorithm, program and debugging. They will begin to understand how to give a specific set of directions, and when they directions don't work, they will be able to find the mistake and fix it. They will also learn why coding is important.


Ages 4-7 years


Scratch Junior - Start Coding With Fun


by Young Gates

In this course, we will learn the basics of using Scratch Jr. Students do not need to have any coding experience but should know how to work their device. Since this is for younger students, I highly advise the student having their zoom meeting on a computer and their project on a tablet that they can work on while still seeing the lesson. This will also allow them to show their work to the class as we go! Each class, the students will add to their animated story with new skills that they learn. Scratch Jr. is a visual block coding language that is perfect for prereaders. All of the blocks use images for their labels. Each of the for sessions is only 30 minutes long so that young students can stay engaged and focused the whole time. I will use screensharing to demonstrate the for the children and to guide their work. Lesson 1: Introduction -The students will be introduced to the Scratch Jr. App -We will start a new project, learn how to add characters and backgrounds and make our characters move Lesson 2: Creating/Editing Characters/Create Scenes -Students will take this class time to add/create all the characters and create programs Lesson 3: Animate our scenes -Students will learn how to animate a scene Lesson 4: Create Projects with more details


Ages 4-7 years


Scratch Junior - Start Coding With Fun


by Young Gates

In this course, we will learn the basics of using Scratch Jr. Students do not need to have any coding experience but should know how to work their device. Since this is for younger students, I highly advise the student having their zoom meeting on a computer and their project on a tablet that they can work on while still seeing the lesson. This will also allow them to show their work to the class as we go! Each class, the students will add to their animated story with new skills that they learn. Scratch Jr. is a visual block coding language that is perfect for prereaders. All of the blocks use images for their labels. Each of the for sessions is only 30 minutes long so that young students can stay engaged and focused the whole time. I will use screensharing to demonstrate the for the children and to guide their work. Lesson 1: Introduction -The students will be introduced to the Scratch Jr. App -We will start a new project, learn how to add characters and backgrounds and make our characters move Lesson 2: Creating/Editing Characters/Create Scenes -Students will take this class time to add/create all the characters and create programs Lesson 3: Animate our scenes -Students will learn how to animate a scene Lesson 4: Create Projects with more details


Ages 4-7 years


Learn Secrets of the Rubiks Cube


by Young Gates

Join us in a fun 5 day course to learn secrets of the world's most popular puzzle toy! By the end of our week long camp, your child will build confidence, improve spatial thinking abilities, improve patience, and have fun! Decision making techniques taught through the Rubiks cube course can help improve your child's thinking in other academic subjects. Let's connect and learn this valuable skill.


Ages 9-16 years


Learn Secrets of the Rubiks Cube


by Young Gates

Join us in a fun 5 day course to learn secrets of the world's most popular puzzle toy! By the end of our week long camp, your child will build confidence, improve spatial thinking abilities, improve patience, and have fun! Decision making techniques taught through the Rubiks cube course can help improve your child's thinking in other academic subjects. Let's connect and learn this valuable skill.


Ages 9-16 years


Kids Online Fast Math Camp


by Young Gates

1. Learn tables from 1 to 99 within seconds 2. Mental Addition 3. Mental Subtraction techniques 4. Mental Multiplication multidimensional Advantages of learning: These are tricks and shortcuts are for competitive, regular exams and everyday calculations Increase Calculation Speed and Accuracy Improves Confidence and Concentration Builds interest in Math


Ages 10-15 years


Kids Online Presentation / Public Speaking Skills Camp


by Young Gates

This valuable, hands-on, and interactive bite sized workshop is specifically designed for kids to develop public speaking delivery skills, enhance their confidence, and teach them essential presentation techniques. Topics Audience Analysis Handling Stage fear Choosing the subject Preparing the speech Opening the speech Main body of the speech Closing the speech Borden’s formula Body language Tone, Pitch and Pause Practice sessions


Ages 9-14 years


Kids Online Html/Css/JavaScript Camp


by Young Gates

Session 1 cover Introduction to JavaScript Session 2 Cover Online Restaurant Tip Calculator Session 3 Cover Date Method integration with project Session 4 Cover Challenge Day Session 5 Cover Project Showcase/Quiz / Q/A ¬What Will You Learn? 1. What is Function ? 2. What is Variable ? 3. What is inBuilt Functions? 4. What is local & global Variables ? 5. Date Method 6. Basic HTML & CSS tags 7. Create Online Tip Calculator


Ages 11-16 years


Kids Online Html/Css/JavaScript Camp


by Young Gates

Session 1 cover Introduction to JavaScript Session 2 Cover Online Restaurant Tip Calculator Session 3 Cover Date Method integration with project Session 4 Cover Challenge Day Session 5 Cover Project Showcase/Quiz / Q/A ¬What Will You Learn? 1. What is Function ? 2. What is Variable ? 3. What is inBuilt Functions? 4. What is local & global Variables ? 5. Date Method 6. Basic HTML & CSS tags 7. Create Online Tip Calculator


Ages 11-16 years


Kids Online Presentation / Public Speaking Skills Camp


by Young Gates

This valuable, hands-on, and interactive bite sized workshop is specifically designed for kids to develop public speaking delivery skills, enhance their confidence, and teach them essential presentation techniques. Topics Audience Analysis Handling Stage fear Choosing the subject Preparing the speech Opening the speech Main body of the speech Closing the speech Borden’s formula Body language Tone, Pitch and Pause Practice sessions


Ages 9-14 years


Kids Online JavaScript Camp


by Young Gates

In this camp program we will start from basics of JavaScript and build on it to finally close it with a Project showcase by using all the concepts. The topics covered are listed by sessions below - Session 1 Introduction to javascript & coding platform. How to start coding Session 1 Variables & Datatypes Session 2 Interaction with users & Type Conversions Session 3 Basic operator & Maths/Comparisons & assignment Session 3-4 If , else if & else condition Session 4 Logical Operator & Ternary Operators Session 5 Loops (while & for ) Session 5 Loops (while & for ) - Project Showcase Your student will learn how to code with JavaScript, the world's most popular coding language. There is no experience necessary for this class and will be fun for everyone! This is an interactive class with students encouraged to interact with other students and the instructor. Your student will be amazed at what they can do at the end of camp and be ready to continue their coding journey.


Ages 11-16 years


Kids Online Scratch Coding Camp


by Young Gates

In this class I will be teaching Scratch right from Scratch. We will go over each of the functionalities of Scratch at a beginner's level pace. During this week program we will be covering various topics- Topics will be taught through projects covering different aspects every time - - Learning to run Scratch on your computer - Understanding the Scratch interface - Adding, deleting and changing characters - Adding backdrops - Performing simple movements -Understanding the looks and the sounds of the sprites - Understanding animations - Understanding loops - Understanding sensing and operators - Understanding Variables - Understanding broadcasting and clones Scratch runs on browser. Learners must be familiar with screen share. The beauty of Scratch is that it is a wide open platform for creators to express themselves. You can create stories, games, art, animations, and more! The goal of this class is that each learner will end up with unique projects, and the tools needed to continue creating long after class is over! It will be nice if students have their logins when the class starts to save all their work in one account for reference.


Ages 8-12 years


Kids Online Scratch Coding Camp


by Young Gates

In this class I will be teaching Scratch right from Scratch. We will go over each of the functionalities of Scratch at a beginner's level pace. During this week program we will be covering various topics- Topics will be taught through projects covering different aspects every time - - Learning to run Scratch on your computer - Understanding the Scratch interface - Adding, deleting and changing characters - Adding backdrops - Performing simple movements -Understanding the looks and the sounds of the sprites - Understanding animations - Understanding loops - Understanding sensing and operators - Understanding Variables - Understanding broadcasting and clones Scratch runs on browser. Learners must be familiar with screen share. The beauty of Scratch is that it is a wide open platform for creators to express themselves. You can create stories, games, art, animations, and more! The goal of this class is that each learner will end up with unique projects, and the tools needed to continue creating long after class is over! It will be nice if students have their logins when the class starts to save all their work in one account for reference.


Ages 8-12 years


Showing 43 - 63 of 232

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