Activites, Camps and After School Classes Near Me
Kids Online Python Camp
by Young Gates
In this course, students will learn python tools, variables, data types, string manipulation, operators,, and more. First, the concepts are explained, followed by coding examples. Students will get a chance to execute the code as well. They will be challenged with additional exercises to deepen their knowledge. Students need a laptop and internet connection. NO ipads and tablets. The break-up of the syllabus in the course will be: Class 1: Python tools, setup, and various options available. Rules of programming in general. Data Types - integer , decimal , String and Boolean will be discussed Class 2: String manipulation and operations Class 3: Data Structure - List and if functions Class 4: Build couple of programs in python. If the student enjoys the first month then they can advance to more topics as well.
Ages 11-14 years
Kids Online Intro to Java Coding Camp
by Young Gates
In this course, students will learn Java tools, variables, data types, operators, Taking input, and programs First, the concepts are explained, followed by coding examples. Students will get a chance to execute the code as well. They will be challenged with additional exercises to deepen their knowledge. Students need a laptop and internet connection. NO ipads and tablets. The break-up of the syllabus in the course will be: Format/Modules: 1. Variables and data types: Start building student class by defining variables 2. Operators 3. Taking Input from User and creating programs 4. Apply the concepts to build more programs.. Cover Conditions if possible • Homework will be sent after each class.
Ages 12-16 years
Kids Online Python Camp
by Young Gates
In this course, students will learn python tools, variables, data types, string manipulation, operators,, and more. First, the concepts are explained, followed by coding examples. Students will get a chance to execute the code as well. They will be challenged with additional exercises to deepen their knowledge. Students need a laptop and internet connection. NO ipads and tablets. The break-up of the syllabus in the course will be: Class 1: Python tools, setup, and various options available. Rules of programming in general. Data Types - integer , decimal , String and Boolean will be discussed Class 2: String manipulation and operations Class 3: Data Structure - List and if functions Class 4: Build couple of programs in python. If the student enjoys the first month then they can advance to more topics as well.
Ages 11-14 years
Kids Online Presentation / Public Speaking Skills Camp
by Young Gates
This valuable, hands-on, and interactive bite sized workshop is specifically designed for kids to develop public speaking delivery skills, enhance their confidence, and teach them essential presentation techniques. Topics Audience Analysis Handling Stage fear Choosing the subject Preparing the speech Opening the speech Main body of the speech Closing the speech Borden’s formula Body language Tone, Pitch and Pause Practice sessions
Ages 9-14 years
Kids Online Html/Css/JavaScript Camp
by Young Gates
Session 1 cover Introduction to JavaScript Session 2 Cover Online Restaurant Tip Calculator Session 3 Cover Date Method integration with project Session 4 Cover Challenge Day Session 5 Cover Project Showcase/Quiz / Q/A ¬What Will You Learn? 1. What is Function ? 2. What is Variable ? 3. What is inBuilt Functions? 4. What is local & global Variables ? 5. Date Method 6. Basic HTML & CSS tags 7. Create Online Tip Calculator
Ages 11-16 years
Kids Online Intro to Java Coding Camp
by Young Gates
In this course, students will learn Java tools, variables, data types, operators, Taking input, and programs First, the concepts are explained, followed by coding examples. Students will get a chance to execute the code as well. They will be challenged with additional exercises to deepen their knowledge. Students need a laptop and internet connection. NO ipads and tablets. The break-up of the syllabus in the course will be: Format/Modules: 1. Variables and data types: Start building student class by defining variables 2. Operators 3. Taking Input from User and creating programs 4. Apply the concepts to build more programs.. Cover Conditions if possible • Homework will be sent after each class.
Ages 12-16 years
Kids Online Fast Math Camp
by Young Gates
1. Learn tables from 1 to 99 within seconds 2. Mental Addition 3. Mental Subtraction techniques 4. Mental Multiplication multidimensional Advantages of learning: These are tricks and shortcuts are for competitive, regular exams and everyday calculations Increase Calculation Speed and Accuracy Improves Confidence and Concentration Builds interest in Math
Ages 10-15 years
Kids Online Fast Math Camp
by Young Gates
1. Learn tables from 1 to 99 within seconds 2. Mental Addition 3. Mental Subtraction techniques 4. Mental Multiplication multidimensional Advantages of learning: These are tricks and shortcuts are for competitive, regular exams and everyday calculations Increase Calculation Speed and Accuracy Improves Confidence and Concentration Builds interest in Math
Ages 10-15 years
Kids Online Html/Css/JavaScript Camp
by Young Gates
Session 1 cover Introduction to JavaScript Session 2 Cover Online Restaurant Tip Calculator Session 3 Cover Date Method integration with project Session 4 Cover Challenge Day Session 5 Cover Project Showcase/Quiz / Q/A ¬What Will You Learn? 1. What is Function ? 2. What is Variable ? 3. What is inBuilt Functions? 4. What is local & global Variables ? 5. Date Method 6. Basic HTML & CSS tags 7. Create Online Tip Calculator
Ages 11-16 years
Kids Online Fast Math Camp
by Young Gates
1. Learn tables from 1 to 99 within seconds 2. Mental Addition 3. Mental Subtraction techniques 4. Mental Multiplication multidimensional Advantages of learning: These are tricks and shortcuts are for competitive, regular exams and everyday calculations Increase Calculation Speed and Accuracy Improves Confidence and Concentration Builds interest in Math
Ages 10-15 years
Learn Secrets of the Rubiks Cube
by Young Gates
Join us in a fun 5 day course to learn secrets of the world's most popular puzzle toy! By the end of our week long camp, your child will build confidence, improve spatial thinking abilities, improve patience, and have fun! Decision making techniques taught through the Rubiks cube course can help improve your child's thinking in other academic subjects. Let's connect and learn this valuable skill.
Ages 9-16 years
Kids Online Fast Math Camp
by Young Gates
1. Learn tables from 1 to 99 within seconds 2. Mental Addition 3. Mental Subtraction techniques 4. Mental Multiplication multidimensional Advantages of learning: These are tricks and shortcuts are for competitive, regular exams and everyday calculations Increase Calculation Speed and Accuracy Improves Confidence and Concentration Builds interest in Math
Ages 10-15 years
Kids Online Fast Math Camp
by Young Gates
1. Learn tables from 1 to 99 within seconds 2. Mental Addition 3. Mental Subtraction techniques 4. Mental Multiplication multidimensional Advantages of learning: These are tricks and shortcuts are for competitive, regular exams and everyday calculations Increase Calculation Speed and Accuracy Improves Confidence and Concentration Builds interest in Math
Ages 10-15 years
Kids Online Fast Math Camp
by Young Gates
1. Learn tables from 1 to 99 within seconds 2. Mental Addition 3. Mental Subtraction techniques 4. Mental Multiplication multidimensional Advantages of learning: These are tricks and shortcuts are for competitive, regular exams and everyday calculations Increase Calculation Speed and Accuracy Improves Confidence and Concentration Builds interest in Math
Ages 10-15 years
Learn Secrets of the Rubiks Cube
by Young Gates
Join us in a fun 5 day course to learn secrets of the world's most popular puzzle toy! By the end of our week long camp, your child will build confidence, improve spatial thinking abilities, improve patience, and have fun! Decision making techniques taught through the Rubiks cube course can help improve your child's thinking in other academic subjects. Let's connect and learn this valuable skill.
Ages 9-16 years
Kids Online Fast Math Camp
by Young Gates
1. Learn tables from 1 to 99 within seconds 2. Mental Addition 3. Mental Subtraction techniques 4. Mental Multiplication multidimensional Advantages of learning: These are tricks and shortcuts are for competitive, regular exams and everyday calculations Increase Calculation Speed and Accuracy Improves Confidence and Concentration Builds interest in Math
Ages 10-15 years
Kids Online Fast Math Camp
by Young Gates
1. Learn tables from 1 to 99 within seconds 2. Mental Addition 3. Mental Subtraction techniques 4. Mental Multiplication multidimensional Advantages of learning: These are tricks and shortcuts are for competitive, regular exams and everyday calculations Increase Calculation Speed and Accuracy Improves Confidence and Concentration Builds interest in Math
Ages 10-15 years
Drawing/Painting Wednesdays 3:30 Virtual - March
by Kimberly V. Art
In Drawing/Painting Class we will create a variety of fine art projects focusing on technique and style, composition, brushwork, and systematic practice. KVArteest will give input on our subject matter, as we together decide what we want to learn.
Ages 7-19 years
Minecraft Madness 2025
by Siliconvalley4U
Join the adventure as you build your own world, fight mobs, and explore different landscapes. Minecraft is a video game with limitless possibilities. Virtual Lego as they say, Minecraft usually had been described as the game with no rules. This class will tackle the world of Minecraft but with a twist! We will explore the game with a little bit of CODING! Classes will be taught online! Students will explore Minecraft from the comfort of their home!
Ages 6-18 years
multi-purchase discount
May Masterpiece Thursday - 1:30 Virtual
by Kimberly V. Art
Let’s all be creative together! Every 2nd Thursday in September through May, I will offer a guided acrylic painting on canvas for students and their families both in-studio and virtually. You can drop off your student or stay and paint ;)
Ages 5-100 years
Summer Camp - Movie Making with Scratch 2025
by Siliconvalley4U
Scratch is a great language recommended for beginners in coding. It allows you to create animated and interactive stories, games, and movies. Topics covered of this class will teach students the introduction of Scratch, the fundamentals up to creating their own animations.
Ages 6-18 years
Showing 22 - 42 of 232