Childcare in Sketty

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Joline M.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From £10 /hr
  • Sketty
1 Verification Hired once
Creative & Safe Childcare with Fun & Educational Experience
| As a versatile and experienced childcare provider, I offer a unique blend of skills for families seeking a nanny or babysitter. My qualifications include over five years of experience with children of all ages, certifications in pediatric first aid, CPR, and child development, and a commitment to fostering a safe, creative, and educational environment. I am adept at engaging children in imaginative activities, promoting healthy lifestyles. My approach emphasises positive discipline, effective conflict resolution, and cultural sensitivity, ensuring a respectful and enriching experience for your children. Dependable and organised, I excel in managing the complex schedules of busy families, making me a reliable choice for your childcare needs.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Sketty
Creative & Safe Childcare with Fun & Educational Experience
| As a versatile and experienced childcare provider, I offer a unique blend of skills for families seeking a nanny or babysitter. My qualifications include over five years of experience with children of all ages, certifications in pediatric first aid, CPR, and child development, and a commitment to fostering a safe, creative, and educational environment. I am adept at engaging children in imaginative activities, promoting healthy lifestyles. My approach emphasises positive discipline, effective conflict resolution, and cultural sensitivity, ensuring a respectful and enriching experience for your children. Dependable and organised, I excel in managing the complex schedules of busy families, making me a reliable choice for your childcare needs.
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From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in Sketty

When do you need childcare?