Childcare in Pontardulais

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Kirsty T.
  • From £8 /hr
  • Pontardulais
Experienced Childcare practitioner. DBS checked and First Aid trained. Fluent Welsh speaker.
| I have worked in a nursery where I cared for children ages 0-5 years, plus babysat for many families during my time there. I have also worked with the council as a Childcare Worker, before training to become a Primary School Teacher where I have gained experience working with children ages 3-12 years. I will shorty be starting my third year as a trainee teacher, and hope to be qualified next year. I am more than happy to help with any school homework. All certificates up to date, including First Aid.
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Pontardulais
Experienced Childcare practitioner. DBS checked and First Aid trained. Fluent Welsh speaker.
| I have worked in a nursery where I cared for children ages 0-5 years, plus babysat for many families during my time there. I have also worked with the council as a Childcare Worker, before training to become a Primary School Teacher where I have gained experience working with children ages 3-12 years. I will shorty be starting my third year as a trainee teacher, and hope to be qualified next year. I am more than happy to help with any school homework. All certificates up to date, including First Aid.
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From £8 per hour \
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Childcare in Pontardulais

When do you need childcare?