Childcare in Morriston

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Megan F.
  • From £12 /hr
  • Morriston
Hi, my name is Megan, I'm 25 ears old and live near Pentrechwyth.
| friendly and energetic childcare assistant with eight years of work experience in childcare and education. I am motivated by my goal to help children and young people become happy, healthy, and developed while working collaboratively with their families. I have experience with organising and designing academic activities that are both engaging and fun for children. My professional values are proactive, creative, responsible, supportive, adaptable, and honest.
... more
  • From £12 /hr
  • Morriston
Hi, my name is Megan, I'm 25 ears old and live near Pentrechwyth.
| friendly and energetic childcare assistant with eight years of work experience in childcare and education. I am motivated by my goal to help children and young people become happy, healthy, and developed while working collaboratively with their families. I have experience with organising and designing academic activities that are both engaging and fun for children. My professional values are proactive, creative, responsible, supportive, adaptable, and honest.
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From £12 per hour \
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Childcare in Morriston

When do you need childcare?