Childcare in Uplands

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Elizabeth V.
1 Verification
  • From £13 /hr
  • Uplands
1 Verification
Reliable and Caring Childcare Provider with a Passion for Kids
| I am a responsible and caring individual with experience in childcare. I have a natural ability to engage with children, ensuring their safety and well-being while creating a fun and nurturing environment. I can assist with homework, meal preparation, and bedtime routines. I am also patient, reliable, and attentive to each child’s unique needs.
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  • From £13 /hr
  • Uplands
Reliable and Caring Childcare Provider with a Passion for Kids
| I am a responsible and caring individual with experience in childcare. I have a natural ability to engage with children, ensuring their safety and well-being while creating a fun and nurturing environment. I can assist with homework, meal preparation, and bedtime routines. I am also patient, reliable, and attentive to each child’s unique needs.
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From £13 per hour \
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Childcare in Uplands

When do you need childcare?