Special Needs Care in Oshawa

Choose from 183 special needs caregivers in your area.
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When do you need care?
Faiza A.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Oshawa
Experienced caregiver
| I completed my degree of bachelor of medicine and bachelor of Surgery. And have experience with special children. I have worked with children at their autism spectrum and kids with depression, behavioural changes and anxiety disorders
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Oshawa
Experienced caregiver
| I completed my degree of bachelor of medicine and bachelor of Surgery. And have experience with special children. I have worked with children at their autism spectrum and kids with depression, behavioural changes and anxiety disorders
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Very reliable and dedicated. My boys love when Faiza comes by. She is fun, creative and always takes the time to understand my kids."
... "more
Reviewed by Krystina P.
From $17 per hour \
Sophia B.
Hired once
  • From $18 /hr
  • Oshawa
Hired once
Outgoing, Caring, Helpful, Experienced, and Lively
| My younger brother was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and also has developmental delays/cognitive disabilities. I have also had lots of experience working with those with autism through other jobs I have had such as teaching swim lessons and babysitting. I want to help teach life skills to support future independence. I love to help others and find this type of work very rewarding.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Oshawa
Outgoing, Caring, Helpful, Experienced, and Lively
| My younger brother was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and also has developmental delays/cognitive disabilities. I have also had lots of experience working with those with autism through other jobs I have had such as teaching swim lessons and babysitting. I want to help teach life skills to support future independence. I love to help others and find this type of work very rewarding.
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Excellent caregiver with high initiative and attention to detail."
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Reviewed by Dennis R.
From $18 per hour \
Jenn D.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Oshawa
Experienced, Established, full program home day has rare opening. 1 FULL TIME or 2 PART TIME
| 25+ years of experience. 13+ years with full spectrum of special needs. University of Ottawa educated. First Aid/CPR certified Vulnerable Sector check up to date Fully insured by the Co-Operators Yearly Tax Receipts given in January. Glowing recommendations from all parents past and present. Main floor playroom Daily outings to parks (on an 8 park rotation). COVID19 protocols in place. CURRENT ALLERGIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: -GLUTEN -BLUEBERRIES -LAYTEX -SUGAR -DAIRY
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Oshawa
Experienced, Established, full program home day has rare opening. 1 FULL TIME or 2 PART TIME
| 25+ years of experience. 13+ years with full spectrum of special needs. University of Ottawa educated. First Aid/CPR certified Vulnerable Sector check up to date Fully insured by the Co-Operators Yearly Tax Receipts given in January. Glowing recommendations from all parents past and present. Main floor playroom Daily outings to parks (on an 8 park rotation). COVID19 protocols in place. CURRENT ALLERGIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: -GLUTEN -BLUEBERRIES -LAYTEX -SUGAR -DAIRY
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From $16 per hour \
Nkechi Annette U.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Oshawa
I have experience of over seven years as a caregiver. Am flexible, client focus; and very reliable.
| I love people generally and believe everyone deserve love and care
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Oshawa
I have experience of over seven years as a caregiver. Am flexible, client focus; and very reliable.
| I love people generally and believe everyone deserve love and care
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From $17 per hour \
Sherri R.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • Oshawa
1 Verification
Recreation Therapist turned mom looking to provide care in your home
| Hi! My name is Sherri and I am a mom of a 2.5yr old boy. I have 20 years experience working with people of all ages and abilities. I am comfortable with pets, cloth diapers, baby led weaning, positive parenting strategies, etc My son and I enjoy being outside, going to play groups, swimming, and the library. I would have my son with me for the work day to play and learn with your child. I look forward to hearing from you to discuss your family’s needs.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Oshawa
Recreation Therapist turned mom looking to provide care in your home
| Hi! My name is Sherri and I am a mom of a 2.5yr old boy. I have 20 years experience working with people of all ages and abilities. I am comfortable with pets, cloth diapers, baby led weaning, positive parenting strategies, etc My son and I enjoy being outside, going to play groups, swimming, and the library. I would have my son with me for the work day to play and learn with your child. I look forward to hearing from you to discuss your family’s needs.
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From $15 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for special needs caregivers in Oshawa is between $20 and $26
Justyna K.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Oshawa
Currently I’m 2nd year nursing student at Durham College, and I have an experience working as a PSW.
| I worked with the girl who has a Down Syndrome. I took care of her, helped with ADLs and exercises.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Oshawa
Currently I’m 2nd year nursing student at Durham College, and I have an experience working as a PSW.
| I worked with the girl who has a Down Syndrome. I took care of her, helped with ADLs and exercises.
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From $16 per hour \
Elizabeth G.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Oshawa
Looking for a job as a tutor, caregiver or ECE to help children develop to their fullest potential.
| I am a mother of three children ages 13, 15 and 16. Two of them with ADHD and one of them with mild Autism. I am tri-lingual. Working as an ECE apprentice assisting the ECE staff in their jobs at a daycare. I am a very patient, caring and cheerful person. I love children and enjoy helping them achieve their goals. I enjoy also teaching, doing crafts, experiments, singing and the outdoors.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Oshawa
Looking for a job as a tutor, caregiver or ECE to help children develop to their fullest potential.
| I am a mother of three children ages 13, 15 and 16. Two of them with ADHD and one of them with mild Autism. I am tri-lingual. Working as an ECE apprentice assisting the ECE staff in their jobs at a daycare. I am a very patient, caring and cheerful person. I love children and enjoy helping them achieve their goals. I enjoy also teaching, doing crafts, experiments, singing and the outdoors.
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From $20 per hour \
Tender Arms HealthCare Providers
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Oshawa
1 Verification
Tender Arms HealthCare Providers
| At Tender Arms our team of support workers will assist you and your loved one live a more independent and enriched life while remaining on your home. Tender Arms Support services are available when you are no longer able to manage your personal care. Companionship services provide an elderly person or a person with an illness, injury, or disability the opportunity to socialize and attend community outings. Without these services, such individuals would spend most if not All their time alone. Our Home Care workers will direct their efforts in a manner that will provide the highest quality service to clients and advance Tender Arms goals. Tender Arms provide customized care designed to provide needed in-home services to any person unable to complete the tasks independently, thus making it possible for clients to remain in their homes for a greater period of time. Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Oshawa
Tender Arms HealthCare Providers
| At Tender Arms our team of support workers will assist you and your loved one live a more independent and enriched life while remaining on your home. Tender Arms Support services are available when you are no longer able to manage your personal care. Companionship services provide an elderly person or a person with an illness, injury, or disability the opportunity to socialize and attend community outings. Without these services, such individuals would spend most if not All their time alone. Our Home Care workers will direct their efforts in a manner that will provide the highest quality service to clients and advance Tender Arms goals. Tender Arms provide customized care designed to provide needed in-home services to any person unable to complete the tasks independently, thus making it possible for clients to remain in their homes for a greater period of time. Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness.
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From $25 per hour \
Amanda H.
Hired once
  • From $15 /hr
  • Oshawa
Hired once
Caring support worker
| Caring and experinced dsw looking for part time evening support positon. I'm a new mom and im looking to provide respite a few days a week between 6pm and 10pm. I have experience working with people of all sorts of different abilities. I went into the field looking to make a difference in peoples lives and give a voice to those who may otherwise go unheard. In the end, i've learned amazing life lessons through the many wonderful people ive been lucky to work with. I have my development service worker diploma, i am bilingual french/english and ive done my level 1 sign language (basic sign). First aid and cpr trained last in 2014. CPI trained last in 2018. **also available christmas break, march break and summer holidays!**
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Oshawa
Caring support worker
| Caring and experinced dsw looking for part time evening support positon. I'm a new mom and im looking to provide respite a few days a week between 6pm and 10pm. I have experience working with people of all sorts of different abilities. I went into the field looking to make a difference in peoples lives and give a voice to those who may otherwise go unheard. In the end, i've learned amazing life lessons through the many wonderful people ive been lucky to work with. I have my development service worker diploma, i am bilingual french/english and ive done my level 1 sign language (basic sign). First aid and cpr trained last in 2014. CPI trained last in 2018. **also available christmas break, march break and summer holidays!**
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From $15 per hour \
Kirsten M.
  • From $10 /hr
  • Oshawa
Hello, My name is Kirsten and I am a 20 year old from Oshawa. I recently graduated from the Child and Youth Worker program at Durham College. I am enthusiastic, confident and reliable, to name just a few of my attributes. I have had 4 years of experience in child and youth care through volunteer, training and work experiences.
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  • From $10 /hr
  • Oshawa
Hello, My name is Kirsten and I am a 20 year old from Oshawa. I recently graduated from the Child and Youth Worker program at Durham College. I am enthusiastic, confident and reliable, to name just a few of my attributes. I have had 4 years of experience in child and youth care through volunteer, training and work experiences.
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From $10 per hour \
Jennifer B.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Oshawa
1 Verification
Highly experienced personal support worker/nanny with special needs training and extensive knowledge
| My name is Jennifer and I'm located in the Oshawa Whitby area. I offer reliable transportation and flexible scheduling, I am currently looking for employment in the Durham region area either part-time or full-time. I have an educational background in healthcare and extensive experience in training in healthcare as well as special needs adults and children, I am also the mother of three boys ranging in age from 15 months to 16 years old, my seven-year-old has autism and special needs as well. My employment background includes more than 9 years working as a nanny for two separate families long term as well as a personal support worker for both adults and children and an Institutional and Community setting. Also, I possessed several additional certifications and training and CPR and first aid, Alzheimer's disease, and several other areas. I am comfortable with animals or pets and I'm looking for a live-in position that suits my needs, I'm also willing to provide before and after school care, Transportation, meal preparation, and tutoring. In addition, I have been the owner and saw operator of a residential and small office cleaning business so I'm able to provide housekeeping services as well if interested.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Oshawa
Highly experienced personal support worker/nanny with special needs training and extensive knowledge
| My name is Jennifer and I'm located in the Oshawa Whitby area. I offer reliable transportation and flexible scheduling, I am currently looking for employment in the Durham region area either part-time or full-time. I have an educational background in healthcare and extensive experience in training in healthcare as well as special needs adults and children, I am also the mother of three boys ranging in age from 15 months to 16 years old, my seven-year-old has autism and special needs as well. My employment background includes more than 9 years working as a nanny for two separate families long term as well as a personal support worker for both adults and children and an Institutional and Community setting. Also, I possessed several additional certifications and training and CPR and first aid, Alzheimer's disease, and several other areas. I am comfortable with animals or pets and I'm looking for a live-in position that suits my needs, I'm also willing to provide before and after school care, Transportation, meal preparation, and tutoring. In addition, I have been the owner and saw operator of a residential and small office cleaning business so I'm able to provide housekeeping services as well if interested.
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From $20 per hour \
Shakira S.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Oshawa
Passionate, loving and energetic babysitter.
| Hey my name is Shakira, I am a passionate, loving and energetic babysitter who has a passion for the overall well-being of children.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Oshawa
Passionate, loving and energetic babysitter.
| Hey my name is Shakira, I am a passionate, loving and energetic babysitter who has a passion for the overall well-being of children.
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From $15 per hour \
Meaghan R.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Oshawa
Respite Worker specializing in youth
| I have one year of experience in ABA working with children with ASD. I have one year of experience working in a group home setting for adults with ASD and dual diagnosis. I have three years of experience working with kids in small class placements (BIC and BAC) within Durham elementary schools. I have a diploma in mental health and addictions and a second diploma in developmental services.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Oshawa
Respite Worker specializing in youth
| I have one year of experience in ABA working with children with ASD. I have one year of experience working in a group home setting for adults with ASD and dual diagnosis. I have three years of experience working with kids in small class placements (BIC and BAC) within Durham elementary schools. I have a diploma in mental health and addictions and a second diploma in developmental services.
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From $15 per hour \
Alana Desilva D.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Oshawa
1 Verification
Experienced Nurturing Educator
| I am an elementary school teacher with 20 years experience. I have my special needs qualifications. I have done respite work for special needs children with a variety of challenges extensively over the past 20 years.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Oshawa
Experienced Nurturing Educator
| I am an elementary school teacher with 20 years experience. I have my special needs qualifications. I have done respite work for special needs children with a variety of challenges extensively over the past 20 years.
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From $25 per hour \
Shaylen A.
  • From $22 /hr
  • Oshawa
Personal Support Worker
| Hi there, My name is Shaylen. I am a certified PSW with a background in mental health & social work. I have been a PSW for 5 years now working in both home care and long term care with people of all ages and abilities. I’ve done it all! My favourite type of jobs are palliative care, respite work with children & companionship. I have my PSW certificate, CPR & first aid, and many other certifications.
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  • From $22 /hr
  • Oshawa
Personal Support Worker
| Hi there, My name is Shaylen. I am a certified PSW with a background in mental health & social work. I have been a PSW for 5 years now working in both home care and long term care with people of all ages and abilities. I’ve done it all! My favourite type of jobs are palliative care, respite work with children & companionship. I have my PSW certificate, CPR & first aid, and many other certifications.
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From $22 per hour \
Mauricia A.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Oshawa
1 Verification
Developmental Service Worker, Home Support Worker, Teacher
| I have a strong background working with adults, youths and children with developmental needs. I have worked directly with client with ASD, ADHD, Cognitive Development, Infantile Cerebral Palsy, Dementia, and Intellectual Disability. For each of my client, I provided care, assisted with daily living activities, facilitated social interaction, promoted life skills development. I have experience working in group home, private homes and retirement homes. I am empathetic, patient, and is committed to advocate for my clients.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Oshawa
Developmental Service Worker, Home Support Worker, Teacher
| I have a strong background working with adults, youths and children with developmental needs. I have worked directly with client with ASD, ADHD, Cognitive Development, Infantile Cerebral Palsy, Dementia, and Intellectual Disability. For each of my client, I provided care, assisted with daily living activities, facilitated social interaction, promoted life skills development. I have experience working in group home, private homes and retirement homes. I am empathetic, patient, and is committed to advocate for my clients.
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From $18 per hour \
Abigail P.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Oshawa
Hello I am Abigail and I am a student that is pursuing a career is social service work
| I have experience in working as a camp counselor for children that are as old as 12 to as young as 4 years old, I have also worked with children who have needed extra one-to-one support as a camp counselor and as a volunteer for the shinning stars.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Oshawa
Hello I am Abigail and I am a student that is pursuing a career is social service work
| I have experience in working as a camp counselor for children that are as old as 12 to as young as 4 years old, I have also worked with children who have needed extra one-to-one support as a camp counselor and as a volunteer for the shinning stars.
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From $17 per hour \
Taylor P.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Oshawa
Registered Physiotherapist Looking to Thrive in Building Strong Therapeutic Connections with Clients
| Hi! I am a registered PT in Ontario with about five years experience in a broad range of roles in the public healthcare system in three of Canada’s provinces. I have significant experience with the adult population and have branched into paediatrics at SickKids for the last year. One of my greatest strengths as a therapist is building strong interpersonal relationships with clients that allow us to make real gains in working together. Connection is the best part of my job, and I am often told that I have a natural way of building trusting and fun therapeutic relationships. The less fun part of my career thus far is the often limiting bureaucracy of both public health institutions and systems. It can be quite emotionally draining at times to watch our system fail patients when I only hold so much influence in a much bigger healthcare picture. I’m looking to add to my week a work setting focused more on the patient than the system, both for the health of your loved one and my own! Would be more than happy to share my resume, references from employers and I have a few patients I know would love to give a personal reference regarding their experiences in working with me. Looking forward to hearing from you!
... more
  • From $30 /hr
  • Oshawa
Registered Physiotherapist Looking to Thrive in Building Strong Therapeutic Connections with Clients
| Hi! I am a registered PT in Ontario with about five years experience in a broad range of roles in the public healthcare system in three of Canada’s provinces. I have significant experience with the adult population and have branched into paediatrics at SickKids for the last year. One of my greatest strengths as a therapist is building strong interpersonal relationships with clients that allow us to make real gains in working together. Connection is the best part of my job, and I am often told that I have a natural way of building trusting and fun therapeutic relationships. The less fun part of my career thus far is the often limiting bureaucracy of both public health institutions and systems. It can be quite emotionally draining at times to watch our system fail patients when I only hold so much influence in a much bigger healthcare picture. I’m looking to add to my week a work setting focused more on the patient than the system, both for the health of your loved one and my own! Would be more than happy to share my resume, references from employers and I have a few patients I know would love to give a personal reference regarding their experiences in working with me. Looking forward to hearing from you!
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From $30 per hour \
Jennifer Lynn B.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Oshawa
1 Verification
Exceptional needs and senior caregiver
| Please see attached resume. I can also provide an updated police and vulnerable sector check that I can provide during interview. First Aid & CPR is still current
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Oshawa
Exceptional needs and senior caregiver
| Please see attached resume. I can also provide an updated police and vulnerable sector check that I can provide during interview. First Aid & CPR is still current
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From $25 per hour \
Beyond care Assistance Living
1 Verification
  • From $35 /hr
  • Oshawa
1 Verification
5 Experience working with special needs
| Provide the best service and caters to the specific need of each client.
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  • From $35 /hr
  • Oshawa
5 Experience working with special needs
| Provide the best service and caters to the specific need of each client.
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From $35 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Oshawa

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