Special Needs Care in Courtice

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Cindy W.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Courtice
1 Verification
Instructor for Community Living
| I previously worked for Community Living - Scarborough as an Instructor and taught vocational and social skills to intellectually-delayed adults in a workshop environments in order to prepare them through sub-contract work, to eventually work in the community.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Courtice
Instructor for Community Living
| I previously worked for Community Living - Scarborough as an Instructor and taught vocational and social skills to intellectually-delayed adults in a workshop environments in order to prepare them through sub-contract work, to eventually work in the community.
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From $18 per hour \
Justine P.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Courtice
My name is Justine and I am currently interested in full-time employment in the childcare field.
| I have many years of experience working in both a formal (daycare) and non-formal (babysitting) setting. My most recent job with YMCA GTA was working 1:1 with a child who has Autism and a Developmental Delay. (6 years w/YMCA) I love to work with children and have experience with special needs children. I have an SUV for transportation and am certified in CPR C + AED.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Courtice
My name is Justine and I am currently interested in full-time employment in the childcare field.
| I have many years of experience working in both a formal (daycare) and non-formal (babysitting) setting. My most recent job with YMCA GTA was working 1:1 with a child who has Autism and a Developmental Delay. (6 years w/YMCA) I love to work with children and have experience with special needs children. I have an SUV for transportation and am certified in CPR C + AED.
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From $15 per hour \
Chanelle C.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Courtice
My name is Chanelle. I work as an educational assistant with many years experience working with special needs. I work during the day for the Durham Public School Board in a small class setting assisting 10 students with varying levels of autism. I have experience with autism, down syndrome, FAS, ADHD and a wide variety of learning disabilities. I am extremely passionate about my career and bonding with special needs persons. I go above and beyond to make the people I work with feel included and most of all happy with themselves. I am reliable and genuinely love what I do. I've found a career path that I love and I'm searching to expand it as much as I can. Let me help make a difference in your life.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Courtice
My name is Chanelle. I work as an educational assistant with many years experience working with special needs. I work during the day for the Durham Public School Board in a small class setting assisting 10 students with varying levels of autism. I have experience with autism, down syndrome, FAS, ADHD and a wide variety of learning disabilities. I am extremely passionate about my career and bonding with special needs persons. I go above and beyond to make the people I work with feel included and most of all happy with themselves. I am reliable and genuinely love what I do. I've found a career path that I love and I'm searching to expand it as much as I can. Let me help make a difference in your life.
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From $15 per hour \
Lauren S.
1 Verification
  • From $14 /hr
  • Courtice
1 Verification
Caring and gentle caregiver
| My name is Lauren, I am a 23 years old and I have an education in Child and Youth Care. I am also pursuing further education in teaching. I have over 9 years experience in childcare and have working with children from all different abilities and needs. Send me a message if you think we would be a good match.
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Courtice
Caring and gentle caregiver
| My name is Lauren, I am a 23 years old and I have an education in Child and Youth Care. I am also pursuing further education in teaching. I have over 9 years experience in childcare and have working with children from all different abilities and needs. Send me a message if you think we would be a good match.
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From $14 per hour \
Ariane R.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Courtice
1 Verification
Empathetic Advocate: Dedicated to Supporting Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
| I am a patient and empathetic caregiver with a passion for supporting individuals with developmental disabilities. I have worked at group homes, schools, daycares and agencies supporting children and adults with developmental disabilities. I believe in fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment that promotes independence and personal growth, while always prioritizing dignity, respect, and meaningful connections in every interaction.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Courtice
Empathetic Advocate: Dedicated to Supporting Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
| I am a patient and empathetic caregiver with a passion for supporting individuals with developmental disabilities. I have worked at group homes, schools, daycares and agencies supporting children and adults with developmental disabilities. I believe in fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment that promotes independence and personal growth, while always prioritizing dignity, respect, and meaningful connections in every interaction.
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From $20 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for special needs caregivers in Courtice is between $20 and $25
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Special Needs Care in Courtice

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