Special Needs Care in Bowmanville

Choose from 132 special needs caregivers in your area.
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Cailley H.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Bowmanville
Special Needs Worker
| Hi, I have a college diploma in Educational Support and the main foundation from the program is to work with students with various special needs in schools.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Bowmanville
Special Needs Worker
| Hi, I have a college diploma in Educational Support and the main foundation from the program is to work with students with various special needs in schools.
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From $14 per hour \
Sophia A.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Bowmanville
Young vibrant Psw, studying for RN
| I have 3 years experience working in long term care. I have experience with young adult as well as older adults. I experienced caring for stroke victims, Down syndrome, disabilities and people with dementia. I provide quality care, by putting my patients needs first. I am studying for my rn, and currently hold a Psw certification
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Bowmanville
Young vibrant Psw, studying for RN
| I have 3 years experience working in long term care. I have experience with young adult as well as older adults. I experienced caring for stroke victims, Down syndrome, disabilities and people with dementia. I provide quality care, by putting my patients needs first. I am studying for my rn, and currently hold a Psw certification
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From $25 per hour \
Cassidy L.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Bowmanville
Child Care Provider with 8+ years of experience in delivering care to infants, toddlers.
| Early Childhood Assistant o safe and efficient child care services to 47 children aged from 6 weeks to 10 years old, collaborating with 12 child care providers o Develop friendly relationships and credibility with parents, educating children, playing with them, and doing art projects o Instruct children in health and personal habits, such as eating, resting, and toilet habits while creating and developing appropriate lesson plans o Resource Teacher E.C.A Toddler E.C.A Infant E.C.A Sales Associate Hair Salon Assistant Hair Salon Assistant DishWasher/ Waitress O.S.S.D WORK EXPERIENCE Waverley Public School Kids First Child Care Centre Helping Hands Daycare Paris Jewellers Salon Blunt Salon Amara Captain George’s EDUCATION St Stephens Secondary School HS
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Bowmanville
Child Care Provider with 8+ years of experience in delivering care to infants, toddlers.
| Early Childhood Assistant o safe and efficient child care services to 47 children aged from 6 weeks to 10 years old, collaborating with 12 child care providers o Develop friendly relationships and credibility with parents, educating children, playing with them, and doing art projects o Instruct children in health and personal habits, such as eating, resting, and toilet habits while creating and developing appropriate lesson plans o Resource Teacher E.C.A Toddler E.C.A Infant E.C.A Sales Associate Hair Salon Assistant Hair Salon Assistant DishWasher/ Waitress O.S.S.D WORK EXPERIENCE Waverley Public School Kids First Child Care Centre Helping Hands Daycare Paris Jewellers Salon Blunt Salon Amara Captain George’s EDUCATION St Stephens Secondary School HS
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From $18 per hour \
Shannon E.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Bowmanville
1 Verification
I am hard working and looking to help others
| I have worked with children with special needs and taken a course when I was in high school specifically working with those with Autism. I am graduating this year in the spring with a University Degree BA in Sociology.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Bowmanville
I am hard working and looking to help others
| I have worked with children with special needs and taken a course when I was in high school specifically working with those with Autism. I am graduating this year in the spring with a University Degree BA in Sociology.
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From $20 per hour \
Melissa G.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Bowmanville
RPN with 14 years experience looking to provide care for private clients in their home
| My name is Melissa and I have been a Registered Practical Nurse for almost 14 years. I am caring, compassionate and empathetic. I spent 12 years providing bedside care working with Lakeridge health. I primarily worked with pre and post op patients but have experience in rehabilitations and palliative care as well. I have recently been working in the community as a PSW supervisor. I am hoping to find a few clients to take on privately to start my independent practice. I am able to support patients of any age with personal care, meal prep, post op management, exercises, light housework, feeding tubes, insulin and diabetic support, etc. I look forward to connecting with you to see if I am a good fit for you and your family.
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Bowmanville
RPN with 14 years experience looking to provide care for private clients in their home
| My name is Melissa and I have been a Registered Practical Nurse for almost 14 years. I am caring, compassionate and empathetic. I spent 12 years providing bedside care working with Lakeridge health. I primarily worked with pre and post op patients but have experience in rehabilitations and palliative care as well. I have recently been working in the community as a PSW supervisor. I am hoping to find a few clients to take on privately to start my independent practice. I am able to support patients of any age with personal care, meal prep, post op management, exercises, light housework, feeding tubes, insulin and diabetic support, etc. I look forward to connecting with you to see if I am a good fit for you and your family.
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From $30 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for special needs caregivers in Bowmanville is between $19 and $25
Ashley M.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Bowmanville
I have high levels of experience caring for children and teens
| I have a younger brother (who is now 15) with Down syndrome & ASD who uses an AAC to communicate. I have thousands of volunteer hours working with children, majority of my work being with children who require higher levels of support and care. I currently oversee an inclusion program at work and work with children in many different recreation programs and camps. I have 8 years tutoring experience for many subjects all the way through high school. I just finished my undergraduate degree in developmental psychology. I also have clinical volunteer experience with occupational and speech therapy and as a PSW.
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Bowmanville
I have high levels of experience caring for children and teens
| I have a younger brother (who is now 15) with Down syndrome & ASD who uses an AAC to communicate. I have thousands of volunteer hours working with children, majority of my work being with children who require higher levels of support and care. I currently oversee an inclusion program at work and work with children in many different recreation programs and camps. I have 8 years tutoring experience for many subjects all the way through high school. I just finished my undergraduate degree in developmental psychology. I also have clinical volunteer experience with occupational and speech therapy and as a PSW.
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From $25 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Bowmanville

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