Child Care in Drumbo

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Myra J.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Drumbo
Experienced Nanny
| I am a mother of 6 grown children and a grandmother of 4. I have had a day care for 10+ yrs..I fostered children from newborn to 8 yrs of age. I am 59 yrs young..I am full of energy and lots of love for children of all ages. I believe in creating a safe, healthy, nurturing environment for those I care for. I strive to build strong lasting relationships with the children in my care and those involved with them. I am diligent and efficient and love to create opportunities for the children to express themselves through crafts, the outdoors, books and otherwise. It is extremely important for me to see that my children receive the best of care. I am looking forward to being a part of caring for your young ones.. Thx. Myra.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Drumbo
Experienced Nanny
| I am a mother of 6 grown children and a grandmother of 4. I have had a day care for 10+ yrs..I fostered children from newborn to 8 yrs of age. I am 59 yrs young..I am full of energy and lots of love for children of all ages. I believe in creating a safe, healthy, nurturing environment for those I care for. I strive to build strong lasting relationships with the children in my care and those involved with them. I am diligent and efficient and love to create opportunities for the children to express themselves through crafts, the outdoors, books and otherwise. It is extremely important for me to see that my children receive the best of care. I am looking forward to being a part of caring for your young ones.. Thx. Myra.
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From $20 per hour \
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Child Care in Drumbo

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