Child Care in Baden

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Amber P.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Baden
Responsible adult, passionate about children
| 3 years experience with in home babysitting, and child care. College graduate with a culinary diploma. Willing to help with housework and meal prep!
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Baden
Responsible adult, passionate about children
| 3 years experience with in home babysitting, and child care. College graduate with a culinary diploma. Willing to help with housework and meal prep!
... more
From $20 per hour \
Hailley N.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Baden
1 Verification
I strive to create a fun and nurturing environment for your child(ten) to learn and grow!
| Nice to meet you! My name is Hailley. I live looking after children, and hope to be able to help them learn and grow! I look forward to speaking with you! I offer babysitting services, as well as pet care! I’m more than happy to help with household chores and meals if needed! I have two younger siblings and have spent most of my life caring for them. I have experience with newborns, toddlers, and grade school aged children! I am currently a pre health student at Conestoga and I am hoping to go into Nursing next year!
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Baden
I strive to create a fun and nurturing environment for your child(ten) to learn and grow!
| Nice to meet you! My name is Hailley. I live looking after children, and hope to be able to help them learn and grow! I look forward to speaking with you! I offer babysitting services, as well as pet care! I’m more than happy to help with household chores and meals if needed! I have two younger siblings and have spent most of my life caring for them. I have experience with newborns, toddlers, and grade school aged children! I am currently a pre health student at Conestoga and I am hoping to go into Nursing next year!
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Child Care in Baden

When do you need child care?