Babysitters in Drumbo

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Melanie B.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Drumbo
1 Verification
Creative Gramma who loves to read stories and play games
| I worked in a daycare many years ago. I also did home day care for a year or two. I have raised 4 children of my own and now help with my 3 grandchildren from time to time. I also was a Sunday school teacher for many years although I am no longer active. I am also a retired ESL teacher who worked virtually with children who live in China.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Drumbo
Creative Gramma who loves to read stories and play games
| I worked in a daycare many years ago. I also did home day care for a year or two. I have raised 4 children of my own and now help with my 3 grandchildren from time to time. I also was a Sunday school teacher for many years although I am no longer active. I am also a retired ESL teacher who worked virtually with children who live in China.
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From $20 per hour \
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Babysitters in Drumbo

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