Pet Care in Drumbo

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Melanie B.
1 Verification
  • From $16
  • Drumbo
1 Verification
Animal Lover Looking to Spread Warmth and Fun to that Special Fur Friend
| Many years ago when I lived in a house and had the room, I ran a small private foster home for small animals. I specialized in rabbits, guinea pigs and rats. I still own 3 rats myself presently but love spending time with almost any animal you can have for a pet. They all have great personalities and I feel a special bond with so many when we play. I am constantly researching and learning how to best protect and care for pets and ensure you that I will care for your fur babies as if they were my own children.
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  • From $16
  • Drumbo
Animal Lover Looking to Spread Warmth and Fun to that Special Fur Friend
| Many years ago when I lived in a house and had the room, I ran a small private foster home for small animals. I specialized in rabbits, guinea pigs and rats. I still own 3 rats myself presently but love spending time with almost any animal you can have for a pet. They all have great personalities and I feel a special bond with so many when we play. I am constantly researching and learning how to best protect and care for pets and ensure you that I will care for your fur babies as if they were my own children.
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From $16 \
Sierra A.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Drumbo
1 Verification
Animal care giver
| Hi my name is Sierra, I have a passion for taking care of animals. My family and I I have been volunteering with and fostering animals for over 10 years it’s my favourite thing I wish I could do it every single day of my life!!
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  • From $15
  • Drumbo
Animal care giver
| Hi my name is Sierra, I have a passion for taking care of animals. My family and I I have been volunteering with and fostering animals for over 10 years it’s my favourite thing I wish I could do it every single day of my life!!
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From $15 \
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Pet Care in Drumbo

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