Senior Care in Drumbo

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Myra J.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Drumbo
Hi, I am a 56 yr old Caregiver for the elderly.
| I have 6+ years behind me in caring for the elderly. I have a heart for those who need tender care and companionship. I am comfortable with all household duties and personal care and hygiene for the elderly. I have done Drs visits. Driven my clients to church.. Grocery shopping. Bills. Etc. I am a very honest, reliable, hard working woman. I am very diligent in seeing that my client is well taken care of in every way. Their safety and comfort come first.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Drumbo
Hi, I am a 56 yr old Caregiver for the elderly.
| I have 6+ years behind me in caring for the elderly. I have a heart for those who need tender care and companionship. I am comfortable with all household duties and personal care and hygiene for the elderly. I have done Drs visits. Driven my clients to church.. Grocery shopping. Bills. Etc. I am a very honest, reliable, hard working woman. I am very diligent in seeing that my client is well taken care of in every way. Their safety and comfort come first.
... more
From $20 per hour \
Melanie B.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Drumbo
1 Verification
Kind, Caring, Mature Caregiver who loves to play cards and laugh
| I am a mature woman who loves spending time with seniors, listening to their wonderful life experiences and helping them out in any way I can. While I do not officially have any professional experience, I did take care of my grandmother before she passed back in 2018. I am a retired computer teacher who taught seniors how to navigate the internet, some ecommerce sites, selling online, finding jobs online, and social media. I am a mother of 4 and a grandmother of 3 with over 33 years of caregiving to all of them.
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Drumbo
Kind, Caring, Mature Caregiver who loves to play cards and laugh
| I am a mature woman who loves spending time with seniors, listening to their wonderful life experiences and helping them out in any way I can. While I do not officially have any professional experience, I did take care of my grandmother before she passed back in 2018. I am a retired computer teacher who taught seniors how to navigate the internet, some ecommerce sites, selling online, finding jobs online, and social media. I am a mother of 4 and a grandmother of 3 with over 33 years of caregiving to all of them.
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Senior Care in Drumbo

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