Pet Care in Paris

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When do you need pet care?
Cassidy A.
  • From $15
  • Paris
Pet walker, care, check ins
| I have experience with various pets such as dogs, cats, hamsters, fish and rabbits. I am always happy to meet pets and to give them a caring experience. I follow direction well and catch on quite easily so high maintenance pets will be acceptable
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  • From $15
  • Paris
Pet walker, care, check ins
| I have experience with various pets such as dogs, cats, hamsters, fish and rabbits. I am always happy to meet pets and to give them a caring experience. I follow direction well and catch on quite easily so high maintenance pets will be acceptable
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From $15 \
Skylar M.
  • From $10
  • Paris
Big dogs? No problem.
| I have experience with all kinds of dogs. My parents foster dogs and have had over 25 different types of dog over the past 3 years. I have 2 dogs and a cat if my own. Minnie is a black Labrador, Titan is a blue blood bulldog (rescue). I’m comfortable with walking larger dogs (that may like to pull and run). I’m very active, always doing activities and staying alert. Plus I absolutely love animals!
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  • From $10
  • Paris
Big dogs? No problem.
| I have experience with all kinds of dogs. My parents foster dogs and have had over 25 different types of dog over the past 3 years. I have 2 dogs and a cat if my own. Minnie is a black Labrador, Titan is a blue blood bulldog (rescue). I’m comfortable with walking larger dogs (that may like to pull and run). I’m very active, always doing activities and staying alert. Plus I absolutely love animals!
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From $10 \
Brooklyn L.
  • From $15
  • Paris
Enthusiastic and hard working 18 year old.
| I used to have three dogs and I currently have two cats so I have lots of experience with pet care.
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  • From $15
  • Paris
Enthusiastic and hard working 18 year old.
| I used to have three dogs and I currently have two cats so I have lots of experience with pet care.
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From $15 \
Alisha S.
  • From $15
  • Paris
Caring, dependable, and trustworthy caregiver for your Fur baby
| Professional, trustworthy, and dependable pet care available now:). I recently finished university and found myself pretty unsure as to what my next adventure should be. When thinking about what my passions were, I kept coming back to how much I love my pets Daisy (dachshund) and Winnie (Siamese Cat). I always looked forward to going to work at the local pet store where I had the opportunity to meet the fur babies that the clients would bring in with them to shop or give their pet a bath. Also, when family members and friends travel it has always been my pleasure to stay with their pets for the duration of their travel. All of this lead me to the new journey of caring for pets. I look forward to meeting your furry friend:)
... more
  • From $15
  • Paris
Caring, dependable, and trustworthy caregiver for your Fur baby
| Professional, trustworthy, and dependable pet care available now:). I recently finished university and found myself pretty unsure as to what my next adventure should be. When thinking about what my passions were, I kept coming back to how much I love my pets Daisy (dachshund) and Winnie (Siamese Cat). I always looked forward to going to work at the local pet store where I had the opportunity to meet the fur babies that the clients would bring in with them to shop or give their pet a bath. Also, when family members and friends travel it has always been my pleasure to stay with their pets for the duration of their travel. All of this lead me to the new journey of caring for pets. I look forward to meeting your furry friend:)
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From $15 \
Brandon S.
  • From $10
  • Paris
Empathetic Animal Lover
| I love and have a special connection with all animals and would love to help you take care of them or train them.
... more
  • From $10
  • Paris
Empathetic Animal Lover
| I love and have a special connection with all animals and would love to help you take care of them or train them.
... more
From $10 \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet caregivers in Paris is between $16 and $20
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Pet Care in Paris

When do you need pet care?