Pet Care in St George Brant

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Ashley V.
  • From $10
  • St George Brant
Pet Care/Sitting Provider!
| Hi there! My name is Ashley and I am currently 21. I have provided for a variety of animals over the years, it is something that brings me much joy! I have watched dogs, cats and fish ranging in ages and sizes. I have two large huskies of my own that I provide care for every day! Some of my personal highlights include: Ability to multi-task, reliable, effective time management, compassionate, responsible and the ability to work a variety of shifts. Feel free to reach out or ask any questions! This would also be a temporary position as I return to school in September.
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  • From $10
  • St George Brant
Pet Care/Sitting Provider!
| Hi there! My name is Ashley and I am currently 21. I have provided for a variety of animals over the years, it is something that brings me much joy! I have watched dogs, cats and fish ranging in ages and sizes. I have two large huskies of my own that I provide care for every day! Some of my personal highlights include: Ability to multi-task, reliable, effective time management, compassionate, responsible and the ability to work a variety of shifts. Feel free to reach out or ask any questions! This would also be a temporary position as I return to school in September.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in St George Brant

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