Babysitters in Bright

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Sophia U.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Bright
Bright crafty young women looking for a few hours of work every week to make some extra income
| I have cared for a few children between the ages of 7-11, I own a vehicle and have my G license, I am also a Conestoga graduate with a diploma in Business Finance who speaks fluent English and can help with homework, I also love crafting. I have a big old farm house with lots of land that I would be happy to babysit in if you prefer!
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Bright
Bright crafty young women looking for a few hours of work every week to make some extra income
| I have cared for a few children between the ages of 7-11, I own a vehicle and have my G license, I am also a Conestoga graduate with a diploma in Business Finance who speaks fluent English and can help with homework, I also love crafting. I have a big old farm house with lots of land that I would be happy to babysit in if you prefer!
... more
From $14 per hour \
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Babysitters in Bright

When do you need child care?