Babysitters in Innerkip

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Annelise N.
Hired once
  • From $19 /hr
  • Innerkip
Hired once
Babysitter/Nanny| 6 years experience| 23 years old
| Hi there! My name is Annelise and I am 23 years old, and currently studying at Conestoga College for Recreation and Leisure Services. I am passionate about providing the best care for children! I love to plan fun crafts, games and activities for kids. I have about 6 years in babysitting experience from ages infant to 10 years old. I have my First Aid and CPR+AED, level C certification, an updated Police Check as well as my Food Safe Handlers Certification. I also have my own car and a valid G drivers license if your child requires transportation. References are available upon request :)
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  • From $19 /hr
  • Innerkip
Babysitter/Nanny| 6 years experience| 23 years old
| Hi there! My name is Annelise and I am 23 years old, and currently studying at Conestoga College for Recreation and Leisure Services. I am passionate about providing the best care for children! I love to plan fun crafts, games and activities for kids. I have about 6 years in babysitting experience from ages infant to 10 years old. I have my First Aid and CPR+AED, level C certification, an updated Police Check as well as my Food Safe Handlers Certification. I also have my own car and a valid G drivers license if your child requires transportation. References are available upon request :)
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From $19 per hour \
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Babysitters in Innerkip

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