Babysitters in Embro

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Hannah Z.
Hired 2 times
  • From $19 /hr
  • Embro
Hired 2 times
Passionate and experienced childcare provider
| I am 24 years old and a new mom, looking for a family willing to let me bring infant along when needed. I have been providing childcare for 10+ years and was a nanny for 3 years. I have advanced experience with newborns and infants as I have a great passion for that age group. I have plenty of experience with all ages up to 11 years old. I am a certified doula from Fanshawe college and can be available for a mother’s helper or a PART TIME babysitter. I am also a personal trainer so rarely have early morning availability, I typically have afternoon or evening availability and some weekend. I have about 2-3 days available a week and am a very flexible care provider.
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  • From $19 /hr
  • Embro
Passionate and experienced childcare provider
| I am 24 years old and a new mom, looking for a family willing to let me bring infant along when needed. I have been providing childcare for 10+ years and was a nanny for 3 years. I have advanced experience with newborns and infants as I have a great passion for that age group. I have plenty of experience with all ages up to 11 years old. I am a certified doula from Fanshawe college and can be available for a mother’s helper or a PART TIME babysitter. I am also a personal trainer so rarely have early morning availability, I typically have afternoon or evening availability and some weekend. I have about 2-3 days available a week and am a very flexible care provider.
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From $19 per hour \
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Babysitters in Embro

When do you need child care?