Pet Care in Stonehaven and Lower Deeside

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When do you need pet care?
Sarah F.
  • From £5
  • Stonehaven and Lower Deeside
pet carer / pets need vacations too!
| reliable, understanding, patient and loving. these are the four phrases that I think about when caring for another's beloved pet. For that is how I would want someone to be with my pets. I am 22 years old and have grown up around animals my whole life from dogs to cats, rabbits and even lizards and geckos. I currently have a 3 year old pomspitz dog called Cody, a 15 year old American short haired cat named squeaky and my newest member a year old ragdoll kitten names Chanel. other than my pets at home, I have looked after many friends, family members and neighbours cats, dogs and smaller mammals. from walks to check in's or even have them stay over. I have had experience is all these areas mentioned. I have cared for small to large dogs even puppies. Cats I have cared for are young, teen and adult. I know it is hard to trust someone new with your beloved furry member. I would feel the same when I need someone to look after my pets. but if you give me a chance I promise not to let you or your four legged friends down.
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  • From £5
  • Stonehaven and Lower Deeside
pet carer / pets need vacations too!
| reliable, understanding, patient and loving. these are the four phrases that I think about when caring for another's beloved pet. For that is how I would want someone to be with my pets. I am 22 years old and have grown up around animals my whole life from dogs to cats, rabbits and even lizards and geckos. I currently have a 3 year old pomspitz dog called Cody, a 15 year old American short haired cat named squeaky and my newest member a year old ragdoll kitten names Chanel. other than my pets at home, I have looked after many friends, family members and neighbours cats, dogs and smaller mammals. from walks to check in's or even have them stay over. I have had experience is all these areas mentioned. I have cared for small to large dogs even puppies. Cats I have cared for are young, teen and adult. I know it is hard to trust someone new with your beloved furry member. I would feel the same when I need someone to look after my pets. but if you give me a chance I promise not to let you or your four legged friends down.
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From £5 \
Sarah F.
  • From £5
  • Stonehaven and Lower Deeside
Dog and cat carer
| My name is Sarah, I am 22 years old, and I am currently a home carer for a family member. I am looking to make extra money on the side as times have been hard on us all with COVID-19. I have grown up around animals all my life. My passion for animals has been strong since I was little. I have experience in walking and looking after dogs from sizes small to large. I currently have a medium-size size dog myself and have looked after friends and family members dogs too. I have experience in looking after c s and mothers with kittens. Furthermore, I have also had the hard task of raring an abandoned kitten which was only 4 weeks old, who made a great recovery and grew strong and healthy and now lives with me. I have experience with feeding and light grooming with both cats and dogs. Any more questions or if you need me to abbreviate anything I have mentioned above, happy to do so.
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  • From £5
  • Stonehaven and Lower Deeside
Dog and cat carer
| My name is Sarah, I am 22 years old, and I am currently a home carer for a family member. I am looking to make extra money on the side as times have been hard on us all with COVID-19. I have grown up around animals all my life. My passion for animals has been strong since I was little. I have experience in walking and looking after dogs from sizes small to large. I currently have a medium-size size dog myself and have looked after friends and family members dogs too. I have experience in looking after c s and mothers with kittens. Furthermore, I have also had the hard task of raring an abandoned kitten which was only 4 weeks old, who made a great recovery and grew strong and healthy and now lives with me. I have experience with feeding and light grooming with both cats and dogs. Any more questions or if you need me to abbreviate anything I have mentioned above, happy to do so.
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From £5 \
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Pet Care in Stonehaven and Lower Deeside

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