Pet Care in Westhill

Find sitters, walkers or groomers for dogs, cats & more - select from 983 pet sitters near you.

When do you need pet care?
Denise R.
Hired once
  • From £5
  • Westhill and District
Hired once
CARING COMPANION Reliable, capable and caring company for your pets.
| I have had over 10 years experience with many types of pets in the family home-from Irish Wolfhound’s to King Charles Cavalier Spaniel and everything in between! At one point we had 17 Rabbits through no fault of our own. ;) I currently have one cat aged 5 called Sully who I rescued two months ago. I am reliable, hard working and committed to making sure your pets/family members are loved, cared for and looked after. I am more than happy to listen to your needs and carry them out to your specifications as I totally understand how important your pets are to you. I am trustworthy and am a member of the PVG Scotland Disclosure Scheme.
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  • From £5
  • Westhill and District
CARING COMPANION Reliable, capable and caring company for your pets.
| I have had over 10 years experience with many types of pets in the family home-from Irish Wolfhound’s to King Charles Cavalier Spaniel and everything in between! At one point we had 17 Rabbits through no fault of our own. ;) I currently have one cat aged 5 called Sully who I rescued two months ago. I am reliable, hard working and committed to making sure your pets/family members are loved, cared for and looked after. I am more than happy to listen to your needs and carry them out to your specifications as I totally understand how important your pets are to you. I am trustworthy and am a member of the PVG Scotland Disclosure Scheme.
... more
Looks like Denise will be a great help"
... "more
Reviewed by David M.
From £5 \
Sorcha S.
  • From £5
  • Westhill and District
Friendly and caring dog lover looking to help out owners with various jobs.
| Hello, My name is Sorcha, I have over seven years experience dog walking including my own family dog who was anxious and sometimes aggressive, so I am very comfortable controlling and comforting distressed dogs. Last year I spent several months volunteering at a dog rescue in Portugal and I have also worked on several farms so I am very comfortable around most animals.
... more
  • From £5
  • Westhill and District
Friendly and caring dog lover looking to help out owners with various jobs.
| Hello, My name is Sorcha, I have over seven years experience dog walking including my own family dog who was anxious and sometimes aggressive, so I am very comfortable controlling and comforting distressed dogs. Last year I spent several months volunteering at a dog rescue in Portugal and I have also worked on several farms so I am very comfortable around most animals.
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From £5 \
Holly P.
1 Verification
  • From £5
  • Westhill and District
1 Verification
Horse/Rabbit/Cat Carer and Dog Walker
| I have over ten years of experience working with animals, in particular horses. I volunteered with Blaikiewell Animal Sanctuary for several years, and my duties included the catching, grooming, tacking up, feeding and leading out of horses and ponies of all ages, sizes and temperaments. I am also a confident rider. My work with cats includes brushing, feeding and entertaining, as well as administering medicines such as antibiotics and worming tablets. I own three rabbits, and I am very well educated on the daily care of these sensitive animals. I am aware of the dangers of gut stasis and the current RHD2 outbreak, and able to identify symptoms of these should they present themselves.
... more
  • From £5
  • Westhill and District
Horse/Rabbit/Cat Carer and Dog Walker
| I have over ten years of experience working with animals, in particular horses. I volunteered with Blaikiewell Animal Sanctuary for several years, and my duties included the catching, grooming, tacking up, feeding and leading out of horses and ponies of all ages, sizes and temperaments. I am also a confident rider. My work with cats includes brushing, feeding and entertaining, as well as administering medicines such as antibiotics and worming tablets. I own three rabbits, and I am very well educated on the daily care of these sensitive animals. I am aware of the dangers of gut stasis and the current RHD2 outbreak, and able to identify symptoms of these should they present themselves.
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From £5 \
Amanda T.
1 Verification
  • From £5
  • Westhill and District
1 Verification
Animal lover, prepared to spend time getting to know your pet and their needs
| I am an experienced cat owner, and presently have 2 cats. I am a dog lover, I would love to have my own, but one of my cats would no adapt. I have worked with horses as a voluntary stable hand in my teens. Generally I love all animals and am committed to their health and safety. I like to connect with them and care for their nutritional and toileting needs.
... more
  • From £5
  • Westhill and District
Animal lover, prepared to spend time getting to know your pet and their needs
| I am an experienced cat owner, and presently have 2 cats. I am a dog lover, I would love to have my own, but one of my cats would no adapt. I have worked with horses as a voluntary stable hand in my teens. Generally I love all animals and am committed to their health and safety. I like to connect with them and care for their nutritional and toileting needs.
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From £5 \
Jacqui G.
  • From £5
  • Westhill and District
Trustworthy, Reliable Dog Walker/Sitter
| Hi my name is Jacqui. I have been a dog owner for over 20 years. I have 2 at home. Max who is 17 years old and a mixed breed terrier and Dexter 18 month old Scottie cross Springer. Dexter only comes out with me now and loves a good daily 2 hourly hike. We go everywhere together. He happily plays with other dogs and I have no worries with him around children. We often go out with my sons dog which is a cockapoo. I am happy to collect your dog for daily walks or overnight stays if you have to go away or work night shift. Happy to discuss long term discounts. Thank you
... more
  • From £5
  • Westhill and District
Trustworthy, Reliable Dog Walker/Sitter
| Hi my name is Jacqui. I have been a dog owner for over 20 years. I have 2 at home. Max who is 17 years old and a mixed breed terrier and Dexter 18 month old Scottie cross Springer. Dexter only comes out with me now and loves a good daily 2 hourly hike. We go everywhere together. He happily plays with other dogs and I have no worries with him around children. We often go out with my sons dog which is a cockapoo. I am happy to collect your dog for daily walks or overnight stays if you have to go away or work night shift. Happy to discuss long term discounts. Thank you
... more
From £5 \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet carers in Westhill is between £9 and £11
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FAQs for finding pet care in Westhill

In 2024, how much does it cost to hire a pet care provider in Westhill?

The average cost to hire a pet care provider on is £10.00 per hour as of December 2024. This rate will vary depending on the service you need, the number of pets you have, and how often you need care for your pet. Some pet care providers will charge a daily rate if they will be caring for your pet for multiple days at a time.

How can I find a pet care provider near me in Westhill?

There are 983 pet care providers in Westhill, offering a variety of services. You can compare your search results by the type of care you need for your pet. From there, you can identify the pet care providers with the most experience and positive feedback from previous pet parents they have worked with. You can also filter providers by distance from Westhill or your postcode. Once you have narrowed down your list of candidates, you can contact them individually to get a sense of who will get along with your pet the best.

What types of pet care services can I find in Westhill?

If you are looking for pet care, has a variety of pet care services in Westhill such as dog walkers, pet sitters, and dog trainers that can provide the care you need for your pet. Some pet care providers even have medical backgrounds so they can provide specialized care if you need it. You just need to determine whether you want someone to come to your home to take care of your pet or if you want to take them to another home or facility around Westhill for the day. From there, it's easier to narrow down the type of pet care services that will work best for you and your pet.
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Pet Care in Westhill

When do you need pet care?