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Sarah F.
AB31, Stonehaven and Lower Deeside, Banchory
From £5 /hr
year exp.
From £5
Hourly rate

About Sarah

25 years old
reliable, understanding, patient and loving. these are the four phrases that I think about when caring for another's beloved pet. For that is how I would want someone to be with my pets. I am 22 years old and have grown up around animals my whole life from dogs to cats, rabbits and even lizards and geckos. I currently have a 3 year old pomspitz dog called Cody, a 15 year old American short haired cat named squeaky and my newest member a year old ragdoll kitten names Chanel. other than my pets at home, I have looked after many friends, family members and neighbours cats, dogs and smaller mammals. from walks to check in's or even have them stay over. I have had experience is all these areas mentioned. I have cared for small to large dogs even puppies. Cats I have cared for are young, teen and adult. I know it is hard to trust someone new with your beloved furry member. I would feel the same when I need someone to look after my pets. but if you give me a chance I promise not to let you or your four legged friends down.
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Small mammal(s)
Elderly pets
Adult pets
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding £8 / visit
Walking £10 / walk
Overnight sitting £28 / night
Day care £25 / day