Childcare in Leeds

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Kerrie S.
  • From £11 /hr
  • Leeds
Hello everyone! I’m Kerrie… please get in touch for me information!
| Hello! I’m Kerrie, a very bubbly, caring and kind person who is extremely passionate about children/child care. I aim to give the children in my care the best start in life by offering the vital stepping stones for the little ones to achieve anything! I have over 4 years experience in a nursery, working with ages from 6 months to 5 years. I pride myself on my professionalism and ability to build a rapport with families. Ultimately, i aim to make mums and dads feel secure and happy while also making the children happy bunnies too! I’m level 3 qualified, with extensive training in first aid and safeguarding.
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  • From £11 /hr
  • Leeds
Hello everyone! I’m Kerrie… please get in touch for me information!
| Hello! I’m Kerrie, a very bubbly, caring and kind person who is extremely passionate about children/child care. I aim to give the children in my care the best start in life by offering the vital stepping stones for the little ones to achieve anything! I have over 4 years experience in a nursery, working with ages from 6 months to 5 years. I pride myself on my professionalism and ability to build a rapport with families. Ultimately, i aim to make mums and dads feel secure and happy while also making the children happy bunnies too! I’m level 3 qualified, with extensive training in first aid and safeguarding.
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From £11 per hour \
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Childcare in Leeds

When do you need childcare?