Childcare in Victoria

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Megan B.
  • From £9 /hr
  • Victoria
I’m looking to start a career in childcare as well as working towards being a dance teacher.
| Hi, my name is Meg. I am looking at building a career in childcare. I studied childcare in school, then went straight into working for Lloyd’s bank. I am a championship dancer, I have been dancing for 6 years. I often help out in classes with the younger girls and am looking at becoming a dance teacher after I retire from dancing. I love being around children and helping them learn. I do not have childcare experience but I do have experience in working with children of all ages in dance classes and looking after a friends baby aged 0-12 months often while she is at work.
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Victoria
I’m looking to start a career in childcare as well as working towards being a dance teacher.
| Hi, my name is Meg. I am looking at building a career in childcare. I studied childcare in school, then went straight into working for Lloyd’s bank. I am a championship dancer, I have been dancing for 6 years. I often help out in classes with the younger girls and am looking at becoming a dance teacher after I retire from dancing. I love being around children and helping them learn. I do not have childcare experience but I do have experience in working with children of all ages in dance classes and looking after a friends baby aged 0-12 months often while she is at work.
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From £9 per hour \
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Childcare in Victoria

When do you need childcare?