Childcare in Oldham

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Mariya A.
  • From £18 /hr
  • Oldham
Experiences friendly and reliable babysitter
| I have over 8 years experience. I am great with children. References are Available on request. I have been working with the same family with 4 children since 2017.
... more
  • From £18 /hr
  • Oldham
Experiences friendly and reliable babysitter
| I have over 8 years experience. I am great with children. References are Available on request. I have been working with the same family with 4 children since 2017.
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From £18 per hour \
Loren C.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Oldham
I always provide nurturing and responsible care. I am a trustworthy and fun person!
| I have been baby sitting for nearly three years now and I love it! I have a lot of experience working with children as I have five younger siblings and some of them have special needs/learning disabilities so I am confident with SEN children. I can care for children of any age and I have worked in a nursery so I can also care for newborns. I have a level 3 extended diploma in health and social care which included a a safeguarding children course. I am very flexible and offer a cheap rate. I can do bath time, playtime, bedtime, cooking you name it I can do it!
... more
  • From £10 /hr
  • Oldham
I always provide nurturing and responsible care. I am a trustworthy and fun person!
| I have been baby sitting for nearly three years now and I love it! I have a lot of experience working with children as I have five younger siblings and some of them have special needs/learning disabilities so I am confident with SEN children. I can care for children of any age and I have worked in a nursery so I can also care for newborns. I have a level 3 extended diploma in health and social care which included a a safeguarding children course. I am very flexible and offer a cheap rate. I can do bath time, playtime, bedtime, cooking you name it I can do it!
... more
From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in Oldham

When do you need childcare?