Full Time Childcare Jobs in Newham

Choose from 2 full time childcare jobs in Newham. Create a free profile to apply online!

When can you start working as a child carer?

Nanny Required for our New Born Daughter!

by Davide • Hackney
Dear Candidate, We hope this message finds you well! :--) We are an Italian couple living in London Fields, E83FW. Davide, aged 45 and Silvia aged 30, who is due to give birth next April 26th. We are looking for a full time nanny who can also support with meal preparation, housekeeping and overall new born care. We are easygoing, sociable and easy to work with, we like to think :--) Thank you in advance for considering our enquiry and we look forward to hearing from you. All the very best, Davide & Silvia
£468 - £60240 Hr. / Week

Looking for a Nanny for our son

by Horatia • Hackney
We are looking for a nanny to look after our 17-month-old son, for six months, before he goes to nursery. It would include cooking for him and taking him to playgroups, the library etc. Experience and references are a plus. We are two mums, both working full time. Please apply if you think you'd be a good match for our family.
£105 - £1359 Hr. / Day
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Full Time Childcare Jobs in Newham

When can you start working as a child carer?