Math Tutors in Greenfield Park

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Brice T.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Greenfield Park
I am patient humble person who take pleasure in seeing his students succeed in their studies.
| As a former high school teacher and now tutor, I am very passionate about mathematics, physics, chemistry and science. Everything that sums up to engineering is what I enjoy talking about. I have been transmitting knowledge and doing tutoring since the age of 18 and I never cease to enjoy it. I have taught in schools, at homes, one-on-one, groups of students at various levels ranging from elementary school to university. My most recent experience was teaching assistant at Wuhan University of Technology and at McGill University while completing my masters degree in civil engineering. Currently I work as a civil engineer but I still feel the need to keep on tutoring and helping students succeed in their studies.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Greenfield Park
I am patient humble person who take pleasure in seeing his students succeed in their studies.
| As a former high school teacher and now tutor, I am very passionate about mathematics, physics, chemistry and science. Everything that sums up to engineering is what I enjoy talking about. I have been transmitting knowledge and doing tutoring since the age of 18 and I never cease to enjoy it. I have taught in schools, at homes, one-on-one, groups of students at various levels ranging from elementary school to university. My most recent experience was teaching assistant at Wuhan University of Technology and at McGill University while completing my masters degree in civil engineering. Currently I work as a civil engineer but I still feel the need to keep on tutoring and helping students succeed in their studies.
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From $17 per hour \
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Math Tutors in Greenfield Park

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