Math Tutors in Brossard

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Negar S.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Brossard
1 Verification
Primary & Secondary school (Math & Science) tutor in Montreal and South Shore
| I enjoy teaching to motivated students and help them with their homework. At the moment, I am studying Health Science at Dawson College in Montreal. I am a graduate from an International High School. Very kind and patient. I would be more than delighted to meet you!
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Brossard
Primary & Secondary school (Math & Science) tutor in Montreal and South Shore
| I enjoy teaching to motivated students and help them with their homework. At the moment, I am studying Health Science at Dawson College in Montreal. I am a graduate from an International High School. Very kind and patient. I would be more than delighted to meet you!
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From $25 per hour \
Layne A.
1 Verification
  • From $50 /hr
  • Brossard
1 Verification
Empowering Minds Remotely: Personalized Learning for Lasting Success - English
| Hello! My name is Layne and I have been tutoring over 12 years in mathematics. I have been a tutor for all ages and levels of math starting from elementary and up through university. I offer tutoring sessions online and in english only. I have been a highly successful tutor because I personalize my approach for each student, adapting my teaching style to fit their unique learning needs. I also emphasize developing problem-solving skills, rather than just memorizing specific problems, to ensure that the knowledge is deeply understood and retained over time. A little about me is that I graduated with a chemical engineering degree in the United States and have been working as an experienced engineer in project design and manufacturing industries since. I have had many years working with in the states with great reviews and feedback.
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  • From $50 /hr
  • Brossard
Empowering Minds Remotely: Personalized Learning for Lasting Success - English
| Hello! My name is Layne and I have been tutoring over 12 years in mathematics. I have been a tutor for all ages and levels of math starting from elementary and up through university. I offer tutoring sessions online and in english only. I have been a highly successful tutor because I personalize my approach for each student, adapting my teaching style to fit their unique learning needs. I also emphasize developing problem-solving skills, rather than just memorizing specific problems, to ensure that the knowledge is deeply understood and retained over time. A little about me is that I graduated with a chemical engineering degree in the United States and have been working as an experienced engineer in project design and manufacturing industries since. I have had many years working with in the states with great reviews and feedback.
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From $50 per hour \
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Math Tutors in Brossard

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