Math Tutors in Saint-Hubert

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Natiah R.
1 Verification
  • From $30 /hr
  • Saint-Hubert
1 Verification
Fun Tutor for Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry
| I am an engaging and fun undergraduate with a passion for mathematics and helping other students! I am available to teach any related math field such as statistics, calculus, algebra, physics, and chemistry. I love to meet people and give all my knowledge to help them succeed academically. As a student myself and having done most of those courses, I understand entirely what students must go through!
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Saint-Hubert
Fun Tutor for Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry
| I am an engaging and fun undergraduate with a passion for mathematics and helping other students! I am available to teach any related math field such as statistics, calculus, algebra, physics, and chemistry. I love to meet people and give all my knowledge to help them succeed academically. As a student myself and having done most of those courses, I understand entirely what students must go through!
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From $30 per hour \
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Math Tutors in Saint-Hubert

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