Special Needs Care in Greenfield Park

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Tina M.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $20 /hr
  • Greenfield Park
1 Verification Hired once
I'm a client care attendant ( nurse's aid) with 39 years experience.
| I've been working in healthcare for 37 years. I've worked in various health care facilities including: private senior's home, public senior's residence, hospital and individual home care. I've spent the last year working in an elementary school as an attendant for special needs students.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Greenfield Park
I'm a client care attendant ( nurse's aid) with 39 years experience.
| I've been working in healthcare for 37 years. I've worked in various health care facilities including: private senior's home, public senior's residence, hospital and individual home care. I've spent the last year working in an elementary school as an attendant for special needs students.
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From $20 per hour \
Maylissa F.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Greenfield Park
Helping people with ASD reach their full potential
| Hi! My name is Maylissa, I am a certified special care counselor. I have obtained my collegial diploma in 2016 and I have been working with autistic children and teenagers ever since. I can help with behavioral challenges, developing communication and social skills or any other area that keep your loved ones from being able to fully function in society. In addition to educational skills, I am perfectly bilingual ( English and French), I am very compassionate and caring. During my studies, I have also worked with people with physical disabilities and helped them for transfers, hygiene and cognitive stimulation. I am looking forward to working with you!
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Greenfield Park
Helping people with ASD reach their full potential
| Hi! My name is Maylissa, I am a certified special care counselor. I have obtained my collegial diploma in 2016 and I have been working with autistic children and teenagers ever since. I can help with behavioral challenges, developing communication and social skills or any other area that keep your loved ones from being able to fully function in society. In addition to educational skills, I am perfectly bilingual ( English and French), I am very compassionate and caring. During my studies, I have also worked with people with physical disabilities and helped them for transfers, hygiene and cognitive stimulation. I am looking forward to working with you!
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Greenfield Park

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