Special Needs Care in Boucherville

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Claudia K.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Boucherville
LPN/Autism mom available for private care in Longugueil/Boucherville, Brassard area.
| Hi, I am a 43-year-old Licensed Practical Nurse and mother of 3 beautiful and unique children. My youngest child was diagnosed with Autism at age 2. I have lived the same struggle as you have. He has been an educational journey for me and I've, many times, wished I'd had help. I became an LPN because of his fear of Health Care facilities and providers and because helping people who struggle to help themselves has always been where my heart belongs. If you have a loved one who could benefit from my care, please reach out to me. I can provide references and criminal checks at your request. I am from Newfoundland and all of my training has been done here. I have ABA training (parent edition) and I also specialize in Dementia/Alzheimer's clients. Apart from my son and my LPN work, I have 10+ years working as a Home Support Worker with clients of varying cognitive and ambulatory abilities/restrictions. I am highly professional while still keeping a loving, authentic, and safe environment for your loved one. I hope you will consider me as a potential provider. I welcome you to contact me for any additional information you may require. Thank you in advance.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Boucherville
LPN/Autism mom available for private care in Longugueil/Boucherville, Brassard area.
| Hi, I am a 43-year-old Licensed Practical Nurse and mother of 3 beautiful and unique children. My youngest child was diagnosed with Autism at age 2. I have lived the same struggle as you have. He has been an educational journey for me and I've, many times, wished I'd had help. I became an LPN because of his fear of Health Care facilities and providers and because helping people who struggle to help themselves has always been where my heart belongs. If you have a loved one who could benefit from my care, please reach out to me. I can provide references and criminal checks at your request. I am from Newfoundland and all of my training has been done here. I have ABA training (parent edition) and I also specialize in Dementia/Alzheimer's clients. Apart from my son and my LPN work, I have 10+ years working as a Home Support Worker with clients of varying cognitive and ambulatory abilities/restrictions. I am highly professional while still keeping a loving, authentic, and safe environment for your loved one. I hope you will consider me as a potential provider. I welcome you to contact me for any additional information you may require. Thank you in advance.
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From $25 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Boucherville

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