Special Needs Care in Outremont

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Kat J.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Outremont
Newly arrived in Montreal and would love to help your family!
| I have experience with children aged 6 months - 12 years, as well as experience with adults and seniors. I have experience with Autism, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, and Down Syndrome. I am comfortable around all pets (including rodents and exotic pets). I also have experience house cleaning and cooking. I would love to hear from you if this is something you're looking for!
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Outremont
Newly arrived in Montreal and would love to help your family!
| I have experience with children aged 6 months - 12 years, as well as experience with adults and seniors. I have experience with Autism, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, and Down Syndrome. I am comfortable around all pets (including rodents and exotic pets). I also have experience house cleaning and cooking. I would love to hear from you if this is something you're looking for!
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Outremont

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