Special Needs Care in Cote Saint-Luc

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Cherry May C.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Cote Saint-Luc
Strong experience, kind hearted person,loving and with a patience and respect each ones difference.
| As a care provider with different cases either home care/nursing home care. Each patient has different character. And the importance part is to respect who they are. -taking care of them in daily hygiene -A patient with a bedridden by changing position as to avoid bed sores and changing position -Giving good nutrition. -proper positioning from bed to wheelchair.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Cote Saint-Luc
Strong experience, kind hearted person,loving and with a patience and respect each ones difference.
| As a care provider with different cases either home care/nursing home care. Each patient has different character. And the importance part is to respect who they are. -taking care of them in daily hygiene -A patient with a bedridden by changing position as to avoid bed sores and changing position -Giving good nutrition. -proper positioning from bed to wheelchair.
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From $15 per hour \
Rotem Z.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Cote Saint-Luc
I am a mother of two . A decade of experience as a registered nurse from Israel.
| an experienced professional in the field of child care, with 10 years of clinical experience in a pediatric department as a registered nurse. I have worked with children facing complex medical conditions and rehabilitation, and I was employed at the largest hospital in Israel. I am eager to continue working with children in my new environment. I am available to provide care for children on a regular basis or during specific hours throughout the week. I am capable of handling any complex medical situation, and I am fluent in both Hebrew and English. I believe that my academic background, combined with my practical experience, makes me a highly suitable candidate for delivering high-quality care to children. I have a deep understanding of children's needs and a compassionate approach to their well-being. Creating a nurturing environment and ensuring the safety and security of the children I care for are my top priorities. I would be delighted to discuss further details and answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Cote Saint-Luc
I am a mother of two . A decade of experience as a registered nurse from Israel.
| an experienced professional in the field of child care, with 10 years of clinical experience in a pediatric department as a registered nurse. I have worked with children facing complex medical conditions and rehabilitation, and I was employed at the largest hospital in Israel. I am eager to continue working with children in my new environment. I am available to provide care for children on a regular basis or during specific hours throughout the week. I am capable of handling any complex medical situation, and I am fluent in both Hebrew and English. I believe that my academic background, combined with my practical experience, makes me a highly suitable candidate for delivering high-quality care to children. I have a deep understanding of children's needs and a compassionate approach to their well-being. Creating a nurturing environment and ensuring the safety and security of the children I care for are my top priorities. I would be delighted to discuss further details and answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.
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From $30 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Cote Saint-Luc

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