Tutors in Cote Saint-Luc

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Sarah O.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Cote Saint-Luc
Engineering student, passionate about physics!
| Im sarah, I am now studying engineering at mccill university! I also earned a DEC in health sciences at Vanier College. I have ben tutoring French, science and English for about 3 years now. I tutored science to elementary students at merton school and english to students at Lanier college. I also did many private sessions for ministry exam preps etc...
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Cote Saint-Luc
Engineering student, passionate about physics!
| Im sarah, I am now studying engineering at mccill university! I also earned a DEC in health sciences at Vanier College. I have ben tutoring French, science and English for about 3 years now. I tutored science to elementary students at merton school and english to students at Lanier college. I also did many private sessions for ministry exam preps etc...
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From $20 per hour \
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Tutors in Cote Saint-Luc

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