Tutors in Roxboro

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Rachelle F.
  • From $35 /hr
  • Roxboro
Tutor-I can help your child succeed!
| I strongly believe in the importance of education. I have experience tutoring a group of children in various elementary school subjects at my previous position as the Coordinator for programs for children 6 to 12 years old at a non-profit community organization. I also have experience tutoring individual students from children to adolescents and I have tutored Math, English, French and History. In addition, I have a BA in Psychology and a Masters Degree in Psychoeducation. I work with all children but I specialize in working with children with ADHD and can help students with learning issues. I think that all children and adolescents want to succeed and I can help give them the tools and strategies that they need to succeed!
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  • From $35 /hr
  • Roxboro
Tutor-I can help your child succeed!
| I strongly believe in the importance of education. I have experience tutoring a group of children in various elementary school subjects at my previous position as the Coordinator for programs for children 6 to 12 years old at a non-profit community organization. I also have experience tutoring individual students from children to adolescents and I have tutored Math, English, French and History. In addition, I have a BA in Psychology and a Masters Degree in Psychoeducation. I work with all children but I specialize in working with children with ADHD and can help students with learning issues. I think that all children and adolescents want to succeed and I can help give them the tools and strategies that they need to succeed!
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From $35 per hour \
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Tutors in Roxboro

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