Senior Care in Roxboro

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Naomi W.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Roxboro
1 Verification
Experienced caregiver/nanny
| If you are looking for a caring, empathetic and hard working employee, I am the perfect fit for this position. I have 3 years of experience working in a care-home and I have worked with all sorts of clients, particularly people with Alzheimer’s disease. I love working with people, and I try to provide a calming and positive experience full of care for every client. I have also worked with special needs children, teens and adults. I am also in my last semester of paramedic training, so I work very well in high stress environments as well as in emergency situations. I have had internships in both hospitals and paramedic companies. I am a knowledgeable. And hard working individual. I will provide a high level of care and make sure all requirements are met. Thank you for your consideration!
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Roxboro
Experienced caregiver/nanny
| If you are looking for a caring, empathetic and hard working employee, I am the perfect fit for this position. I have 3 years of experience working in a care-home and I have worked with all sorts of clients, particularly people with Alzheimer’s disease. I love working with people, and I try to provide a calming and positive experience full of care for every client. I have also worked with special needs children, teens and adults. I am also in my last semester of paramedic training, so I work very well in high stress environments as well as in emergency situations. I have had internships in both hospitals and paramedic companies. I am a knowledgeable. And hard working individual. I will provide a high level of care and make sure all requirements are met. Thank you for your consideration!
... more
From $18 per hour \
Sabrina D.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Roxboro
1 Verification
Young and active senior caregiver
| I am a patient a thoughtful caregiver. I never leave without making sure everything needed of me is done. I’ve been doing home care for more than 2 years now around the West Island and Ville Saint-Laurent. I speak French also.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Roxboro
Young and active senior caregiver
| I am a patient a thoughtful caregiver. I never leave without making sure everything needed of me is done. I’ve been doing home care for more than 2 years now around the West Island and Ville Saint-Laurent. I speak French also.
... more
From $20 per hour \
Tawous H.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Roxboro
Je suis diplômé en éducation à l'enfance et ouverture de garderie
| J'ai de l'expérience avec les enfants j'ai travailler et ouvert garderie priver Je suis une femme attentionner ,déterminer enthousiasme Empathique qui aime aider autrui Souriante et douce
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Roxboro
Je suis diplômé en éducation à l'enfance et ouverture de garderie
| J'ai de l'expérience avec les enfants j'ai travailler et ouvert garderie priver Je suis une femme attentionner ,déterminer enthousiasme Empathique qui aime aider autrui Souriante et douce
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Senior Care in Roxboro

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